These kind of materials are hard to print.
You can test if another adhesion works better, like UM Adhesion Sheets, or Dimafix Spray.
But in any case you should cover to top of the printer to keep a constant warm temperature inside.
These kind of materials are hard to print.
You can test if another adhesion works better, like UM Adhesion Sheets, or Dimafix Spray.
But in any case you should cover to top of the printer to keep a constant warm temperature inside.
Thank you for your answer, I couldn't find anywhere comments about this materials.
What kind of cover do you use ? Because the deplacement of the buse will annoy the box … More the cover is close to the part, more the better results. But how ?
Personally I don't use a cover, because I don't print very often these material.
But you can use any Curver box or the new UM Airmanager which is more than just a "box"
I've had decent results with Novamid ID1030 CF. This demonstration piece takes about 7 hours and is good quality. I've printed five or six times in this material. Three have been successful. One had some stringing when I printed two items side by side. One had problems with the final 10% of the print when the material failed to flow properly. One went beserk, with the print slipping while I was away for a while. It could have been because I was trying a print at fine settings (.1mm) and I sense the print surface is a bit abrasive, so maybe the nozzle caught on that.
I'm tending to heat the material in advance. I'm not using any out of the ordinary adhesives. I haven't had warping on the print bed.
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MarianneRomnee 0
I am using the Ultimaker S5.
I wanted to print with both Novamid ID1030 and Novamid ID1030 CF10.
Didn't try CF10 yet but with ID100 no reinforced, all of my part warp a lot. Can't understand why, I applied Magigoo PA. I put 110°C build plate temperature. Didn't use brim but I really thought I could print without it because I'm doing some test about warpage.
Do you guys have this kind of issue too ? Will I have the same problem with the CF10 ?
Thank you
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