You don't mention which printer you have.
On my Ultimaker 2 printers I have added a wire to wipe the nozzle after priming. It is spring steel wire, like used in dental bridges. This prevents the priming blob from getting dragged around, and molten filament on the outside of the nozzle is wiped away too. Due to the spring-effect, it does not hurt the nozzle.
In the beginning I manually pulled it straight down and kept it aside with a pincette ("tweezers" in English?).
See the pictures below. It is based on an idea of another user (I don't remember his name), who called it "filcatch", but I made it in steel instead of 3D-printed.
I am not sure if this is your problem, or if this method could be applied to your printer too. Use common sense if you would try.
Depending on the condition of the nozzle, and on filament type, during printing some filament may accumulate on the nozzle too. Printing slow and cool reduces the effect, but it is hard to totally eliminate. In PLA it usually is no problem, but in my PET it happens more often. And then gradually that residu gets brown, sags, and causes a big brown blob on the prints...
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