I had the same problem for a completely different reason. I designed a project on TurboCad 19, which defaults to inch dimenensions. Cura could not see it until I converted to millimeters. It took me a while to figure this out. It seems like it would be extremely simple for Cura to recognize the units mismatch and convert, but no.
STL files don't specify units. Which is a problem with the STL specification. So there isn't an easy way for Cura to notice.
However if the model is too large to fit by say 1000X then cura automatically shrinks it down so you can at least see the model.
It would be nice if the model is < 1.5mm that it would pop up a message or something to see if you want to scale it up.
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Smithy 1,146
You have a problem with the scaling. I imported your STL in Cura and got very very small point in the middle of my build plate. After scaling to 1000% the object has now 18x18mm so it is too small in the unscaled STL.
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