Thanks for the quick reply. I just love the fact that the PEI bulidplate doesn't need any additional ingredient like glue. Also, I don't like the glossy finish of the side that is attached to the glass buildplate.
Anyway, the operation principle of the bed leveling seems to be a show-stopper here.
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Smithy 1,146
I can measure the glass when I am at home, but I found these dimensions of a spare glass for the S5 (35.7cm x 27.8cm)
Auto bed leveling could be a problem, it works by measuring the capacity between the aluminum panel and the unit in the print head. Putting another aluminum plate between will not work, I assume. And you cannot turn off the auto leveling on the S5 to use just a manual calibration.
Another issue you should consider is, that the bed leveling is done with hot nozzles, and the nozzle hits the glass during leveling. So I am not sure if your PEI sheet will melt at this point.
But if you mainly print PLA, why that effort? PLA prints fine on the glass without any issues and any other material too if you apply some glue or spray.
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