Here's an example generated from Cura that won't load back into Cura for me.
tinkergnome 927
ValueError: could not convert string to float: '{TRAVEL_SPEED}'
Replace the wrong variable in your start- and end-scripts with {speed_travel} and it will work.
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Cura could handle this situation more gracefully.
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43 minutes ago, tinkergnome said:ValueError: could not convert string to float: '{TRAVEL_SPEED}'Replace the wrong variable in your start- and end-scripts with {speed_travel} and it will work.
This isn't my own start/end g-code. This is straight from the Wanhao Duplicator i3 Plus profile provided with Cura upon installation. This change did make generated gcode openable though, thank you.
Edited by Snickerdoodle
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burtoogle 516
Hi, could you please attach a sample gcode produced by Cura that doesn't load? Thanks.
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