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Posted · GCODE Output to SD-Card

When You have multiple different STL's You want to print, the Filename can't be preselected. You have to see and remember what Name Cura uses. It would be nice to be able to preselect a Filename for the Output.

It happened to me that the Order when adding STL's to the Platform changed, the Output Filename also changed and, as a Result, I printed the wrong File from the Card.


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    Posted · GCODE Output to SD-Card

    A "preselected" Filename would be easyer... than always hving to select the Targetfilename... One Click => Ready

    Selecting a Filenam by clicking right on the SD-Icon does not make the Targetfilename "persistent" :-{ ... and any Change in the Settings saves the File automatically with the "everchanging Youmustremember Filename"


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    Posted · GCODE Output to SD-Card

    Many times I have clobbered my gcode file because when I go to make the next one I overwrite the previous one that had the same name. Very annoying. Not sure my work flow when this happens but I assume it's probably like this: load model A, slice and save. Load model B, oops - too late, model A gcode now has model B in it. Delete model A. oops, now gcode has model B in it. Start over! Clear platform.


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    Posted · GCODE Output to SD-Card

    You can right click on the SD icon in Cura and Click 'Save GCode..' and name it then.


    Did something happen to the SD card icon in the latest github version of Cura (13.10). It is missing.


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    Posted · GCODE Output to SD-Card

    Did something happen to the SD card icon in the latest github version of Cura (13.10). It is missing.


    I'm using 13.09 for Windows. It's working fine.


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    Posted · GCODE Output to SD-Card

    Did something happen to the SD card icon in the latest github version of Cura (13.10). It is missing.


    Running linux? I did apply a patch to the linux SD card detection a few days ago, as suggested by a linux user.


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    Posted · GCODE Output to SD-Card

    Yes, running Linux.

    The SD card icon was nice, a single click and eject prompt after saving.

    That icon is not showing up automatically (in 13.10).

    Now I have to right click on the Print icon and find an SD card from the file system then open another program to safely "eject" the SD filesystem.


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    Posted · GCODE Output to SD-Card

    Have You connected more than just an SD-Card? (external HD etc.)

    When more external (over USB) connected Storage is present, the SD-Card Icon disappeares on my Machine. Example: When I connect my HTC Phone, it goes away too... I believe, Cura does not really know what's an SD-Card and what's not... id does just look for external Storgedevices (Daid: is this correct?)


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    Posted · GCODE Output to SD-Card

    On windows it looks for removable storage devices. On Mac it looks specifically for SD card readers. On Linux it used to use /media/* and just use any directory found there. But it has been patched to check if they are mount points, it also looks in /media/USERNAME/*

    The code can be found in Cura/util/removableStorage.py, around line 120 the Linux code can be found.


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    Posted · GCODE Output to SD-Card

    My problem was that the SD card icon disappears when Cura thinks there is a printer connected.

    I have the printer connected (to ACM0) and the printer icon only shows up when the Machine settings -> Serial port =AUTO , but Cura fails to connect to the printer:


    Connecting to: /dev/ttyACM0

    Error while connecting to /dev/ttyACM0: 'Timeout'


    The SD card icon does work very nicely as expected when the printer is disconnected and an SD card is plugged into the computer.

    My current solution is to set the Cura serial port to ACM0 and remove the SD card from the computer, that way the automatically changing print/save icon changes to "Save toolpath" since the print icon fails to show up and no SD card is found. Then I use Pronterface to print the saved gcode to the connected printer at ACM0.


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    Posted · GCODE Output to SD-Card

    @anthonyT - I'm not sure I followed you there but did you know you can right click on the icon (whether it is a print icon, a SD card or whatever) and you have more choices?


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    Posted · GCODE Output to SD-Card

    Yes, I know you can right click, or go from the file menu. My point was that the the SD icon was a convenient one click that unfortunately disappeared when Cura thinks there is a printer attached (machine serial port=auto). The only solution for Cura that I can think of is to have multiple icons that are automatically enabled (SD, Save, Print) rather than one icon location that tries to determine what the user has connected to their computer.


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