@CTotten Thanks for the info. Let me know if you end up finding the fact sheet. I'd like to look into the numbers.
Found it. It is in their "White Papers" section.
Thanks! Here's the info for any future readers of this thread (this is from the document that @CTotten linked to).
Unfortunately, micro-plastics, which are emitted during printing, are so small that they pass right through even a HEPA filter. This is of concern as its not clear what the long term affects are of this on humans. Best practices would have you print in a separate room or to introduce ventilation. We recently put a full enclosure on our Ultimaker 3 and ducted a very low cfm fan to blow the air outside during printing. Kind of like a dust collection system that you might see in a wood shop.
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CTotten 18
Ultimaker has a fact sheet out on the Air Manager (can't find the link for it right now), but as I recall, they show the VOC level, even when printing ABS, is extremely low, and well below the limits established by regulators. I think that is why they decided not to add an activated charcoal filter to the Air Manager.
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