Thank you this is the preview
printer is a geetech pro i3; a prusa clone
the extruder goes straight ahead at the place of the "spikes"
Edited by frlil
wrong picture
Thank you this is the preview
printer is a geetech pro i3; a prusa clone
the extruder goes straight ahead at the place of the "spikes"
Edited by frlil
So you can see clearly in the preview that Cura is printing those bumps. Something is off on your printer. I'm guessing that your first layer isn't sticking very well.
It would be helpful to show the first layer of your print complete (and failing).
Here is a video that explains well how to get the first layer to stick - VERY VERY WELL:
No, because at the first layer the printer does a straight line instead of moving and print the bump. If the first layer isn't ok, the extractor will does the movement to make the form of the bump, but it does a straight line a the postion of the bump.
the anorther outlines of the piece are good and with good sizes
thank you
Ok thank you, i've understand something,
I don't know why but i think that the end stop of the plate have moved. I've turned the piece with 90° angle, and the piece is good.
After test I discovered that the end stop have moved, so printer's plate stop and don't print the bump
thank you for your help
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gr5 2,295
You showed the "prepare" view. Please show the "preview" view after slicing that part.
I suspect the problem is more with the printer than cura but I need to see "preview" mode to be sure.
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