Hi, it is an auto levelling system but it was custom designed for the machine IIRC. I have fixed it by removing the line in my start gcode which claimed to lower the bed by 15mm. For some reason this jerked the print bed and caused the clutches on the automatic levelling system to slip, meaning the z value was no longer valid. Removing this line has fixed the issue. Thanks for your help!
GregValiant 1,415
Perfect. Thanks for responding with the fix.
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GregValiant 1,415
The Z endstop is hard against the Z switch. I don't think a negative Z is actually possible IF the Home Offset Z is zero.
In Pronterface send an M503. Looking through the response find the line that is M206 and check the Z value.
If it isn't zero then you need to reset it. Send M206 X{whatever your X is} Y{whatever your Y is} Z0
Then level the bed using the good old fashioned piece-of-paper method and then start a print and see how it goes. You can abort the print after seeing how it starts.
You didn't mention if you are using a BLTouch or some other automatic leveler. If you are, then doing the above has taken it out of the equation. If you level the bed again using the Auto system and then print the same file, how does it look? If it starts out low again, then the problem is in the auto-leveler system.
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