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Nozzle marks issues...

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Posted · Nozzle marks issues...

Dunno if anyone can help me but here is my problem:
Flat printed surfaces show nozzle lines but only starting at layer 2. Walls top are ok, Layer 1 also.
If I lower my bed, I start having adhesion issues.
Extruder e-steps are calibrated as shown in picture (100steps = 10cm)



The only way I am able to have flat surfaces without any nozzle lines is by lowering the Flow in Cura down to below 70.
I was wondering if this is normal or if there was any other settings I should look for ...


Using Cura 4.6.1 with an Ender3 Pro, PLA 1.75. (See print details below)



GCode header :


;Layer height: 0.08
;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 4.6.1
M140 S60
M190 S60
M104 S190
M109 S190
M82 ;absolute extrusion mode
; Ender 3 Custom Start G-code
G92 E0 ; Reset Extruder
G28 ; Home all axes
G1 Z2.0 F3000 ; Move Z Axis up little to prevent scratching of Heat Bed
G1 X0.1 Y20 Z0.3 F5000.0 ; Move to start position
G1 X0.1 Y200.0 Z0.3 F1500.0 E15 ; Draw the first line
G1 X0.4 Y200.0 Z0.3 F5000.0 ; Move to side a little
G1 X0.4 Y30 Z0.3 F1500.0 E30 ; Draw the second line
G92 E0 ; Reset Extruder
G1 Z2.0 F3000 ; Move Z Axis up little to prevent scratching of Heat Bed
G1 X5 Y20 Z0.3 F5000.0 ; Move over to prevent blob squish
G92 E0
G92 E0
G1 F2700 E-5



;****Current settings used*****

; Machine Type: Creality Ender-3
; Show Machine Variants: False
; Material GUID: 0ff92885-617b-4144-a03c-9989872454bc
; Wait for Build Plate Heatup: True
; Wait for Nozzle Heatup: True
; Include Material Temperatures: True
; Include Build Plate Temperature: True
; Machine Width: 235
; Machine Depth: 235
; Build Plate Shape: rectangular
; Build Plate Material: glass
; Machine Height: 250
; Has Heated Build Plate: True
; Is Center Origin: False
; Number of Extruders: 1
; Number of Extruders that are enabled: 1
; Outer nozzle diameter: 1
; Nozzle length: 3
; Nozzle angle: 45
; Heat zone length: 16
; Filament Park Distance: {machine_filament_park_distance}
; Enable Nozzle Temperature Control: True
; Heat up speed: 2.0
; Cool down speed: 2.0
; Minimal Time Standby Temperature: 50.0
; G-code flavour: RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)
; Firmware Retraction: False
; Disallowed areas: [[[-117.5, 117.5], [-117.5, 108], [117.5, 108], [117.5, 117.5]], [[-117.5, -108], [-117.5, -117.5], [117.5, -117.5], [117.5, -108]]]
; Nozzle Disallowed Areas: []
; Machine head polygon: {machine_head_polygon}
; Machine head & Fan polygon: [[-26, 34], [-26, -32], [32, -32], [32, 34]]
; Gantry height: 25
; Nozzle ID: unknown
; Nozzle Diameter: 0.4
; Offset With Extruder: True
; Extruder Prime Z Position: 0
; Absolute Extruder Prime Position: False
; Maximum Speed X: 500
; Maximum Speed Y: 500
; Maximum Speed Z: 10
; Maximum Feedrate: 50
; Maximum Acceleration X: 500
; Maximum Acceleration Y: 500
; Maximum Acceleration Z: 100
; Maximum Filament Acceleration: 5000
; Default Acceleration: 500
; Default X-Y Jerk: 10
; Default Z Jerk: 0.4
; Default Filament Jerk: 5
; Steps per Millimeter (X): 50
; Steps per Millimeter (Y): 50
; Steps per Millimeter (Z): 50
; Steps per Millimeter (E): 1600
; X Endstop in Positive Direction: False
; Y Endstop in Positive Direction: False
; Z Endstop in Positive Direction: True
; Minimum Feedrate: 0.0
; Feeder Wheel Diameter: 10.0

; Layer Height: 0.08
; Initial Layer Height: 0.2
; Line Width: 0.4
;  Wall Line Width: 0.4
;   Outer Wall Line Width: 0.4
;   Inner Wall(s) Line Width: 0.4
;  Top/Bottom Line Width: 0.4
;  Infill Line Width: 0.4
;  Skirt/Brim Line Width: 0.2
;  Support Line Width: 0.4
;  Support Interface Line Width: 0.4
;   Support Roof Line Width: 0.4
;   Support Floor Line Width: 0.4
;  Prime Tower Line Width: 0.4
;  Initial Layer Line Width: 150

; Wall Extruder: -1
;  Outer Wall Extruder: -1
;  Inner Wall Extruder: -1
; Wall Thickness: 1.2000000000000002
;  Wall Line Count: 3
; Outer Wall Wipe Distance: 0.0
; Top Surface Skin Extruder: -1
; Top Surface Skin Layers: 0
; Top/Bottom Extruder: -1
; Top/Bottom Thickness: 0.6799999999999999
;  Top Thickness: 0.6799999999999999
;   Top Layers: 9
;  Bottom Thickness: 0.6799999999999999
;   Bottom Layers: 9
; Top/Bottom Pattern: lines
; Bottom Pattern Initial Layer: lines
; Top/Bottom Line Directions: [ ]
; Outer Wall Inset: 0
; Optimize Wall Printing Order: True
; Outer Before Inner Walls: False
; Alternate Extra Wall: False
; Compensate Wall Overlaps: True
;  Compensate Outer Wall Overlaps: False
;  Compensate Inner Wall Overlaps: True
; Fill Gaps Between Walls: everywhere
; Filter Out Tiny Gaps: False
; Print Thin Walls: False
; Horizontal Expansion: 0
; Initial Layer Horizontal Expansion: 0
; Z Seam Alignment: back
; Z Seam X: 117.5
; Z Seam Y: 235
; Seam Corner Preference: z_seam_corner_weighted
; Z Seam Relative: False
; Ignore Small Z Gaps: False
; Extra Skin Wall Count: 1
; Enable Ironing: False
; Iron Only Highest Layer: False
; Ironing Pattern: zigzag
; Ironing Line Spacing: 0.1
; Ironing Flow: 10.0
; Ironing Inset: 0.2
; Ironing Speed: 13.333333333333334
; Ironing Acceleration: 500
; Ironing Jerk: 8

; Infill Extruder: -1
; Infill Density: 20
;  Infill Line Distance: 6.0
; Infill Pattern: cubic
; Connect Infill Lines: False
; Infill Line Directions: [ ]
; Infill X Offset: 0
; Infill Y Offset: 0
; Cubic Subdivision Shell: 0.4
; Infill Overlap Percentage: 30.0
;  Infill Overlap: 0.12
; Skin Overlap Percentage: 10.0
;  Skin Overlap: 0.04
; Infill Wipe Distance: 0.0
; Infill Layer Thickness: 0.08
; Gradual Infill Steps: 0
; Gradual Infill Step Height: 1.5
; Infill Before Walls: False
; Minimum Infill Area: 0
; Skin Removal Width: 1.2000000000000002
;  Top Skin Removal Width: 1.2000000000000002
;  Bottom Skin Removal Width: 1.2000000000000002
; Skin Expand Distance: 1.2000000000000002
;  Top Skin Expand Distance: 1.2000000000000002
;  Bottom Skin Expand Distance: 1.2000000000000002
; Maximum Skin Angle for Expansion: 90
;  Minimum Skin Width for Expansion: 4.408728476930471e-17

; Default Printing Temperature: 200
; Printing Temperature: 190
; Printing Temperature Initial Layer: 190
; Initial Printing Temperature: 190
; Final Printing Temperature: 190
; Extrusion Cool Down Speed Modifier: 0.7
; Default Build Plate Temperature: 50
; Build Plate Temperature: 50
; Build Plate Temperature Initial Layer: 60
; Diameter: 1.75
; Adhesion Tendency: 0
; Surface Energy: 100
; Shrinkage Ratio: 0
; Flow: 100
; Initial Layer Flow: 100
; Enable Retraction: True
; Retract at Layer Change: False
; Retraction Distance: 5
; Retraction Speed: 45
;  Retraction Retract Speed: 45
;  Retraction Prime Speed: 45
; Retraction Extra Prime Amount: 0
; Retraction Minimum Travel: 1.5
; Maximum Retraction Count: 100
; Minimum Extrusion Distance Window: 10
; Standby Temperature: 180
; Nozzle Switch Retraction Distance: 16
; Nozzle Switch Retraction Speed: 20
;  Nozzle Switch Retract Speed: 20
;  Nozzle Switch Prime Speed: 20

; Print Speed: 40.0
;  Infill Speed: 40.0
;  Wall Speed: 20.0
;   Outer Wall Speed: 20.0
;   Inner Wall Speed: 20.0
;  Top Surface Skin Speed: 20.0
;  Top/Bottom Speed: 20.0
;  Support Speed: 20.0
;   Support Infill Speed: 20.0
;   Support Interface Speed: 20.0
;    Support Roof Speed: 20.0
;    Support Floor Speed: 20.0
;  Prime Tower Speed: 20.0
; Travel Speed: 100.0
; Initial Layer Speed: 5.0
;  Initial Layer Print Speed: 5.0
;  Initial Layer Travel Speed: 5
; Skirt/Brim Speed: 5.0
; Maximum Z Speed: {max_feedrate_z_override}
; Number of Slower Layers: 2
; Equalize Filament Flow: False
; Maximum Speed for Flow Equalization: 150
; Enable Acceleration Control: False
; Print Acceleration: 500
;  Infill Acceleration: 500
;  Wall Acceleration: 500
;   Outer Wall Acceleration: 500
;   Inner Wall Acceleration: 500
;  Top Surface Skin Acceleration: 500
;  Top/Bottom Acceleration: 500
;  Support Acceleration: 500
;   Support Infill Acceleration: 500
;   Support Interface Acceleration: 500
;    Support Roof Acceleration: 500
;    Support Floor Acceleration: 500
;  Prime Tower Acceleration: 500
; Travel Acceleration: 500
; Initial Layer Acceleration: 500
;  Initial Layer Print Acceleration: 500
;  Initial Layer Travel Acceleration: 500
; Skirt/Brim Acceleration: 500
; Enable Jerk Control: False
; Print Jerk: 8
;  Infill Jerk: 8
;  Wall Jerk: 8
;   Outer Wall Jerk: 8
;   Inner Wall Jerk: 8
;  Top Surface Skin Jerk: 8
;  Top/Bottom Jerk: 8
;  Support Jerk: 8
;   Support Infill Jerk: 8
;   Support Interface Jerk: 8
;    Support Roof Jerk: 8
;    Support Floor Jerk: 8
;  Prime Tower Jerk: 8
; Travel Jerk: 8
; Initial Layer Jerk: 8
;  Initial Layer Print Jerk: 8
;  Initial Layer Travel Jerk: 8
; Skirt/Brim Jerk: 8

; Combing Mode: noskin
; Retract Before Outer Wall: True
; Avoid Printed Parts When Traveling: True
; Travel Avoid Distance: 0.625
; Start Layers with the Same Part: {start_layers_at_same_position}
; Layer Start X: 0.0
; Layer Start Y: 0.0
; Z Hop When Retracted: False
; Z Hop Only Over Printed Parts: False
; Z Hop Height: 0.2
; Z Hop After Extruder Switch: True

; Enable Print Cooling: True
; Fan Speed: 100
;  Regular Fan Speed: 100
;  Maximum Fan Speed: 100
; Regular/Maximum Fan Speed Threshold: 10
; Initial Fan Speed: 0
; Regular Fan Speed at Height: 0.36
;  Regular Fan Speed at Layer: 3
; Minimum Layer Time: 10
; Minimum Speed: 10
; Lift Head: False

; Generate Support: False
; Support Extruder: 0
;  Support Infill Extruder: 0
;  First Layer Support Extruder: 0
;  Support Interface Extruder: 0
;   Support Roof Extruder: 0
;   Support Floor Extruder: 0
; Support Placement: everywhere
; Support Overhang Angle: 68
; Support Pattern: zigzag
; Connect Support Lines: False
; Connect Support ZigZags: True
; Support Density: 20
;  Support Line Distance: 2.0
; Support Z Distance: 0.16
;  Support Top Distance: 0.16
;  Support Bottom Distance: 0.16
; Support X/Y Distance: 0.8
; Support Distance Priority: xy_overrides_z
; Minimum Support X/Y Distance: 0.4
; Support Stair Step Height: 0.3
; Support Stair Step Maximum Width: 5.0
; Support Join Distance: 2.0
; Support Horizontal Expansion: 0
; Support Infill Layer Thickness: 0.08
; Gradual Support Infill Steps: 0
; Gradual Support Infill Step Height: 1
; Enable Support Interface: True
;  Enable Support Roof: True
;  Enable Support Floor: True
; Support Interface Thickness: 0.64
;  Support Roof Thickness: 0.64
;  Support Floor Thickness: 0.64
; Support Interface Resolution: 0.2
; Support Interface Density: 33.333
;  Support Roof Density: 33.333
;   Support Roof Line Distance: 2.4000240002400024
;  Support Floor Density: 33.333
;   Support Floor Line Distance: 2.4000240002400024
; Support Interface Pattern: grid
;  Support Roof Pattern: grid
;  Support Floor Pattern: grid
; Use Towers: False
; Tower Diameter: 3.0
; Minimum Diameter: {support_minimal_diameter}
; Tower Roof Angle: 65
; Drop Down Support Mesh: True

;Build Plate Adhesion
; Enable Prime Blob: False
; Extruder Prime X Position: 0
; Extruder Prime Y Position: 0
; Build Plate Adhesion Type: none
; Build Plate Adhesion Extruder: 0
; Skirt Line Count: 3
; Skirt Distance: 10.0
; Skirt/Brim Minimum Length: 250
; Brim Width: 8.0
;  Brim Line Count: 4
; Brim Only on Outside: False
; Raft Extra Margin: 15
; Raft Smoothing: 5
; Raft Air Gap: 0.3
; Initial Layer Z Overlap: 0.15
; Raft Top Layers: 2
; Raft Top Layer Thickness: 0.08
; Raft Top Line Width: 0.4
; Raft Top Spacing: 0.4
; Raft Middle Thickness: 0.12
; Raft Middle Line Width: 0.8
; Raft Middle Spacing: 1.0
; Raft Base Thickness: 0.24
; Raft Base Line Width: 0.8
; Raft Line Spacing: 1.6
; Raft Print Speed: 20.0
;  Raft Top Print Speed: 20.0
;  Raft Middle Print Speed: 15.0
;  Raft Base Print Speed: 15.0
; Raft Print Acceleration: 500
;  Raft Top Print Acceleration: 500
;  Raft Middle Print Acceleration: 500
;  Raft Base Print Acceleration: 500
; Raft Print Jerk: 8
;  Raft Top Print Jerk: 8
;  Raft Middle Print Jerk: 8
;  Raft Base Print Jerk: 8
; Raft Fan Speed: 0
;  Raft Top Fan Speed: 0
;  Raft Middle Fan Speed: 0
;  Raft Base Fan Speed: 0

;Dual Extrusion
; Enable Prime Tower: False
; Circular Prime Tower: {prime_tower_circular}
; Prime Tower Size: 20
; Prime Tower Minimum Volume: 6
;  Prime Tower Thickness: {prime_tower_wall_thickness}
; Prime Tower X Position: 233.075
; Prime Tower Y Position: 213.075
; Prime Tower Flow: 100
; Wipe Inactive Nozzle on Prime Tower: True
; Wipe Nozzle After Switch: {dual_pre_wipe}
; Prime Tower Purge Volume: {prime_tower_purge_volume}
; Enable Ooze Shield: False
; Ooze Shield Angle: 60
; Ooze Shield Distance: 2

;Mesh Fixes
; Union Overlapping Volumes: True
; Remove All Holes: False
; Extensive Stitching: False
; Keep Disconnected Faces: False
; Merged Meshes Overlap: 0.15
; Remove Mesh Intersection: False
; Alternate Mesh Removal: True
; Remove Empty First Layers: True

;Special Modes
; Print Sequence: all_at_once
; Infill Mesh: False
; Infill Mesh Order: 0
; Cutting Mesh: False
; Mold: False
; Minimal Mold Width: 5
; Mold Roof Height: 0.5
; Mold Angle: 40
; Support Mesh: False
; Anti Overhang Mesh: False
; Surface Mode: normal
; Spiralize Outer Contour: False
; Smooth Spiralized Contours: True
; Relative Extrusion: False

; Tree Support: False
; Tree Support Branch Angle: 40
; Tree Support Branch Distance: 1
; Tree Support Branch Diameter: 2
; Tree Support Branch Diameter Angle: 5
; Tree Support Collision Resolution: 0.2
; Tree Support Wall Thickness: {support_tree_wall_thickness}
;  Tree Support Wall Line Count: {support_tree_wall_count}
; Slicing Tolerance: middle
; Top Surface Skin Line Width: 0.4
; Top Surface Skin Pattern: lines
; Top Surface Skin Line Directions: [ ]
; Infill Travel Optimization: False
; Auto Temperature: False
; Flow Temperature Graph: [[3.5,200],[7.0,240]]
; Maximum Resolution: 0.05
; Break Up Support In Chunks: False
; Support Chunk Size: 20
;  Support Chunk Line Count: 10
; Enable Draft Shield: False
; Draft Shield X/Y Distance: 10
; Draft Shield Limitation: full
; Draft Shield Height: 10
; Make Overhang Printable: False
; Maximum Model Angle: 50
; Enable Coasting: False
; Coasting Volume: 0.064
; Minimum Volume Before Coasting: 0.8
; Coasting Speed: 90
; Alternate Skin Rotation: {skin_alternate_rotation}
; Cross 3D Pocket Size: 6.0
; Alternate Cross 3D Pockets: {cross_infill_apply_pockets_alternatingly}
; Spaghetti Infill: False
; Spaghetti Infill Stepping: True
; Spaghetti Maximum Infill Angle: 10
; Spaghetti Infill Maximum Height: 2.0
; Spaghetti Inset: 0.2
; Spaghetti Flow: 20
; Spaghetti Infill Extra Volume: 0
; Enable Conical Support: False
; Conical Support Angle: 30
; Conical Support Minimum Width: 5.0
; Hollow Out Objects: {infill_hollow}
; Fuzzy Skin: False
; Fuzzy Skin Thickness: 0.3
; Fuzzy Skin Density: 1.25
;  Fuzzy Skin Point Distance: 0.8
; Flow rate compensation max extrusion offset: 0
; Flow rate compensation factor: 100
; Wire Printing: False
; WP Connection Height: 3
; WP Roof Inset Distance: 3
; WP Speed: 5
;  WP Bottom Printing Speed: 5
;  WP Upward Printing Speed: 5
;  WP Downward Printing Speed: 5
;  WP Horizontal Printing Speed: 5
; WP Flow: 100
;  WP Connection Flow: 100
;  WP Flat Flow: 100
; WP Top Delay: 0
; WP Bottom Delay: 0
; WP Flat Delay: 0.1
; WP Ease Upward: 0.3
; WP Knot Size: 0.6
; WP Fall Down: 0.5
; WP Drag Along: 0.6
; WP Strategy: compensate
; WP Straighten Downward Lines: 20
; WP Roof Fall Down: 2
; WP Roof Drag Along: 0.8
; WP Roof Outer Delay: 0.2
; WP Nozzle Clearance: 1
; Use adaptive layers: False
; Adaptive layers maximum variation: 0.04
; Adaptive layers variation step size: 0.04
; Adaptive layers threshold: 0.2
; Enable Bridge Settings: False
; Minimum Bridge Wall Length: 5
; Bridge Skin Support Threshold: 50
; Bridge Wall Max Overhang: {bridge_wall_max_overhang}
; Bridge Wall Coasting: 100
; Bridge Wall Speed: 10
; Bridge Wall Flow: 50
; Bridge Skin Speed: 10
; Bridge Skin Flow: 60
; Bridge Skin Density: 100
; Bridge Fan Speed: 100
; Bridge Has Multiple Layers: True
; Bridge Second Skin Speed: 10
; Bridge Second Skin Flow: 100
; Bridge Second Skin Density: 75
; Bridge Second Skin Fan Speed: 0
; Bridge Third Skin Speed: 10
; Bridge Third Skin Flow: 110
; Bridge Third Skin Density: 80
; Bridge Third Skin Fan Speed: 0
; Try Multiple Line Thicknesses: {wall_try_line_thickness}

;Command Line Settings: 0
; Center object: False
; Mesh position x: 0
; Mesh position y: 0
; Mesh position z: 0
; Mesh Rotation Matrix: [[1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1]]

;******End of current settings*****
M82 ;absolute extrusion mode
M104 S0
;End of Gcode
;SETTING_3 {"global_quality": "[general]\\nversion = 4\\nname = 1 - Super Qualit
;SETTING_3 y Profile 2\\ndefinition = creality_ender3\\n\\n[metadata]\\ntype = q
;SETTING_3 uality_changes\\nquality_type = super\\nsetting_version = 13\\n\\n[va
;SETTING_3 lues]\\nadhesion_type = none\\nlayer_height = 0.08\\nlayer_height_0 =
;SETTING_3  0.2\\nmaterial_bed_temperature_layer_0 = 60\\nsupport_type = everywh
;SETTING_3 ere\\n\\n", "extruder_quality": ["[general]\\nversion = 4\\nname = 1 
;SETTING_3 - Super Quality Profile 2\\ndefinition = creality_ender3\\n\\n[metada
;SETTING_3 ta]\\ntype = quality_changes\\nquality_type = super\\nsetting_version
;SETTING_3  = 13\\nintent_category = default\\nposition = 0\\n\\n[values]\\nbrim
;SETTING_3 _line_count = 4\\nbrim_outside_only = False\\ninitial_layer_line_widt
;SETTING_3 h_factor = 150\\nmaterial_print_temperature = 190\\nskirt_brim_line_w
;SETTING_3 idth = 0.2\\nskirt_brim_material_flow = 110\\nspeed_layer_0 = 5.0\\ns
;SETTING_3 peed_print = 40.0\\nspeed_travel = 100.0\\nspeed_travel_layer_0 = 5\\
;SETTING_3 n\\n"]}






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    • 2 weeks later...
    Posted (edited) · Nozzle marks issues...

    Your initial layer height is .2mm and the "Initial Layer Line Width: 150".  Notice that most of the rest of the line widths are the same as the nozzle diameter at .4mm.  (The other odd one is skirt line width at .2.)

    The flow at 100% and E-steps near 100 make good sense.  I think the machine may be trying to compensate for that big line width number on the first layer and putting down too much plastic.  Then with the very small layer height of .08mm, there is nowhere  for the plastic to go and the 2nd (and probably a few more) layers look like they are over-extruding.  What they are really doing is dealing with the heavy first layer.

    I suggest you change the Initial Layer Line Width to .4 and the Skirt Line Width to .4.  Then try printing it again.



    Edited by GregValiant
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