Hi cesern,
You've already got good advice here, -but maybe a little analysis can save you some work.
I would like to know if this occur on the X or Y axis?
Is this time or bed height related?
Did you try to print another known good print to see if it fails here too?
If you measure all failed prints with a slider, is the height of these equal?
(Just a small note: If you print to fast with your printer it may loose step, this is due to the fact that the torque decrease as a function of the stepping speed. This is because the magnetic fields cannot build up fast enough and loose its torque as speed increase. So every stepper motor have a max speed. This kind of loosing step may happen when the stepper change direction.. So yes I've done that, by purpose..
Edit: I've forgotten to mention that, such an error can be located to a single fixed point in your printed object. Just so it is mentioned.)
Can you share the gcode file for us to see (the file that's on the SD card)?
I can look at this file and even print it if needed.
Edited by Torgeir
Text missing.
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UlrichC-DE 114
Already tried(?):
1 firmware update on the printer. (Maybe something is shot)
2 Another print file. (It's unlikely, but maybe it's a bug in the parser.)
3 A hack. Exchange motor for X and Y. (I have never done it before. Don't know if that fits. But if you can, try it.)
4 If it stays, the board may be broken. This is sometimes offered as a replacement.
Best wishes
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