Hi and thanks for the detailed reply!
I raised the poly count from 6,000 to 42,000 and am unable to increase further in Fusion 360. and indeed the number of loops reduced. However they are not gone 😞
In this case and basically any im in where there is a client waiting for the product printing time is important. at 0.15 this takes 1,5 days. at 0,1mm its 2 days and 13 hrs. As this had to be done over the weekend i could not have printed at this resolution and made the handover.
I was hoping for a setting something like "Do not make small travel loops on the wall"
@ultimaker team Is this a known issue thats in the backlog? Will this be fixed? It seems that these loops should not be there regardless of poly count. Do they have a function?
Edited by Hops
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Torgeir 280
Hi Hops,
The small dots, its really from the travels Cura sometimes makes due to some issues..
I've been experimenting so much with domes and curves over the times in order to trying avoid this to happen, so here is some tip.
I've found that Cura need a model with a high number of triangles in order to do slicing better (Cura is somehow sensitive here).
Over times I've tested so many curved and coned models in order to understand how to "prepare" a model for Cura to be sliced as good as possible in order to make a good 3D print of my object.
So here is how I'll do curved and "dome" prints;
Increase the number of triangles in your model, just put a high number up... Do not think about megabyte size, think more about your model quality! -You can always delete a big temporary file.
Use the "finest" (0.006 mm if you can) height resolution you have!
Select adaptive layer height in Cura (search in the menu for this setting).
The above should make a much better surface outcome for curving and high "overhanging angle" part of your print.
But you use support, -do you?
And sure no warranty here.. 🙂
Sure I've tested your model.. So just increase the number of triangles in the stc file of this model. Cura work much better with enough number (resolution) of triangles. But do not forget the rest of settings..
This is just my experience.
Good Luck.
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