I see the problem - your printer is upside down. (just kidding). The slower you print, the less pressure build up you get in the nozzle, and the less stringing issues you have. Also colder temps help because the filament flows like toothpaste instead of honey but this also requires slower printing. For something like this print consider 20mm/sec, .1mm layers, and 195C or even 190C (it's hard to say as every different color and manufacturer has different viscosity at 190C).
And like Illuminarti said - do the settings he recommends or you might not be getting retraction where you need it.
Also consider printing this:
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illuminarti 18
Is retraction happening during the print? If it's happening, you'll hear and see the big gear wheel spinning quickly back and forth as it moves between the 'islands' of filament on each layer.
You need to make sure retraction is enabled on the basic tab of Cura, and then in the expert settings, set the minimum travel to a smallish amount, maybe 1 or 2 mm, and set the minimal extrusion to zero. Also, turn off 'enable combing'.
Also, you might want to try the most recent test version of Cura, as there have been some recent changes to how retraction works:
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