Thank you for your answer! The original model was created in TinkerCad, meaning the resolution is really low, so this shouldn't be a problem.
Setting color scheme to "line type" is really helpfull, thanks for the tip! It seems the problem is with the travelling:
It is vissible, that the printer shortens the way where it travels on few spots - and those are actually the spots where we have problem afterwards:
Any idea how to make the printer to take the same path every time?
Thank you!
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gr5 2,224
It might be your printer - it might be that there are too many line segments in the circles for your printer to process fast enough and it ends up printing too slow.
1) Did you create this model? Do you have the ability to access the original CAD model? If so, when you export to STL - pay strong attention to the options. Try to set the resolution low - if it's too high - for example if there are 1000 points in those circles that is too much. 20 to 60 points is more reasonable.
2) In cura you have the color scheme set to "material type" so it's all yellow. This is hiding lots of important information. Normally you should set color scheme to "line type" but in this case set it to "feedrate". See if indeed the line between the circles is a different color. I doubt it. If the circles and the line are the same color then the problem is with the printer. Again - I suspect too many points in your circle - you may have set "resolution" or some other CAD feature to "extra high" or something like that and that may be causing the problem.
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