Yeah, I'm printing the star ornament as a test since I just switched my hotend up. Lots of retraction and tiny printed areas.
Anyway, I can confirm that 13.06.4 isn't moving in this illogical fashion - it is printing an island, retracting, and then moving to the next island while simultaneously un-retracting. Makes a huge improvement in print quality.
I will play around with the minimum extrusion before retraction setting and see if it makes any difference in 13.12. It was previously at the default 0.1mm
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illuminarti 18
Certainly doesn't sound like the way it's supposed to be. I know there was a bug where everything under 10mm got treated as a within-island combing move, and there was no retraction, but that's supposed to be fixed in the new version.
Is it that you have a non-zero minimum extrusion setting? In that case, the head might retract to move within the first island, to add some extra fill or something, and then choose not to retract on the big move, because it hasn't extruded enough since the last retraction.
I'm still not sure about the 'combing' behavior in general. I can see why you'd want to move within an island wherever possible, rather than cutting across the walls. But it seems that when you enable that, you also are electing to not have retraction happen on those moves. And that seems like a bad idea to me, as it causes oozing and scars on the print. I'd prefer to always have retraction, except for the very shortest moves (e.g., between adjacent infill line) - especially on the UM2, where retraction seems rock solid reliable.
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