It was on.
Strange, then I think you have a faulty flow sensor. It can happen the other way around, that the sensor reports out of filament when it isn't, but haven't seen this case yet.
I would contact the reseller.
Dim3nsioneer 558
At which height / layer of the print did it happen?
Not sure how I would know that, but definitely won't now. I threw out the parts and started over.
Maybe an ultimaker developer can chime in here....
there is very little onfo on how this sensor works, but my understanding is it essentially calibrates itself at the start of the print, then if the feed rate decreases, it goes activates an error. So if the sensor is not moving at the beginning, it will not pick up an error later on.
going into developer mode, you can monitor this sensor on the web interface, and this seems to be how it works.
i had the same problem for a while.
solution was a 100mm length of Biden tube out the bottom, held in place to the feeder with the standard Bowden clip. Ensures proper feeding into the sensor and feeder, and makes it easier to load overall.
cheap fix, and a chance to replace your worn Bowden tube, and use the worn one for the feed in.
Dim3nsioneer 558
On 10/5/2020 at 4:54 PM, xtrude64 said:Not sure how I would know that, but definitely won't now. I threw out the parts and started over.
The question is if it did happen on the first maybe three layers or later.
Was this ever resolved?
- 1 month later...
I disabled the Flow sensor and re-enabled, but have not ran out of filament since, so I will try and remember to update this thread if I do.
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Smithy 1,146
Can you check if the Flow sensor is activated or disabled?
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