You can look at the post processing scripts in Cura, maybe that helps.
Thank you Smithy. I checked the post processing scripts, but to make one is way above my knowledge and ability. I switch the settings manually at the printer menu until, if may be, it becomes available in Cura.
Thank Smithy,
Now I found it. I'll try it.
Be careful or keep in mind that a post processing script remains until you remove it again with the screen above. So don't forget otherwise you have it on every print job.
Good to mention. I see it also shows an icon with a hummer and wrench next to the SLICE button.
Yes that is also an indicator that you have something activated.
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stan_bulgaria 4
I've read this is possible on Ultimaker but from the printer menu, something as fine tuning. So you do this as "hardware change", but can you specify it in the slicing process?
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