I am guessing it has something to do with .8 mm nozzle, but don't know why. When I change it to .4 mm nozzle it slices correctly.
- xtrude64 changed the title to Cura not slicing full height on small parts with .8mm nozzle
I haven't checked the STL but just an idea:
when the line width in the upper part is too thin for the 0.8 nozzle it could be that this part could not be sliced correctly. But you can check it if you, just for testing, change the line width to a smaller value.
GregValiant 1,455
When I scale it up - part of the model is below the build plate. Check the Z and make sure the part is resting on the plate.
The part is 14.118mm tall after scaling. It sliced to 27 layers @. 0.5mm layer height so it ended up about .6mm short. Because of the gradual sharpening of the lip and the tight radius on the top the .8 nozzle can't make it. That nozzle will also leave ridges near the top as Cura struggles with whether to keep it near the inside wall or the outside wall.
In response to @Smithy 's post - going down to .4 line width didn't help.
Edited by GregValiantSlow typist.
GregValiant 1,455
Put in a .4 nozzle. The difference in print time is 6 minutes to 10 minutes. Definition will be better as well.
Scaled up to 5000% it looks good with the .8 nozzle at .5 layer height and .57 initial layer height. It comes out to 70.57mm tall as opposed to the theoretical 70.58. The big nozzle just can't do small details and the lip of the bowl qualifies as a small detail.
Now, if you were to rework the bowl and square that lip, then you would be good. Or make the bowl a solid and use spiralize to print it. It's going to be pretty much a single wall anyway.
I will go back to the .4 I guess, thanks for the answer. The issue is I am printing 50 in one print, which takes about half the time with a .8 nozzle.
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xtrude64 0
Here is the 3mf file with the cup not scaled yet. I scale it to 14 mm X - Uniform.
UM2_Flowers v2.3mf
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