It might also be a good idea to search on internet for demo-videos. Then you get an idea of how smooth the extruded sausage is, and if it fits your application. Most models that I saw gave a quite irregular extrusion, or maybe seemed irregular due to our hands moving irregularly? It would work very well for creating trees in miniature railroad landscapes, but not for smooth geometric objects.
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kmanstudios 1,120
I would have to dig mine out to tell you the brands I tried and liked. I wonder about some of those reviews because I feel like there is a huge user error thing going on there.
The names may not be correct, but off the top of my head:
3Doodler I did not care for because it uses only straight filament from them. I tried to put regular filament (coiled) and it was a mess because it would spin due to the mechanism of the pen itself.
MYNT3D I liked because it would use any generic filament, coiled or straight, and was comfortable in the hand.
This is a new name, but looks like the one I got: SCRIB3D. Liked it for the same reasons I liked the Mynt3d.
I never tried anything but PLA in it though so cannot advise on the flexible filaments though. Sorry.
Edit: They all had a temp adjuster so that you would not be stuck with preset temps for filaments.
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JohnInOttawa 104
Thanks! the variable temp adjuster makes some sense. The advance mechanism will likely be the money part of the thing. I'll look for those brands.
All the best!
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kmanstudios 1,120
I hope you let us know how it goes 🙂 I am curious to see if it can use a flexible filament.
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