You already tried replacing a lot of parts.
A temperature resistance between the PT100 and the heater block could be an explanation for your problems, but since you already replaced the PT100 I'd assume you there are no loose parts there.
Can you use a thermometer to confirm the temperature? This would rule out all electrical causes.
Other possible culprits:
- Feeder problems. Not enough spring tensions, or worn out feeder wheels (takes printing less than 1 spool of abrasive materials, e.g. glass fill, but also brass infill like materials)
- Clogged nozzle
- Printing with 0.25mm nozzle but slicing for 0.4mm
- Bad filament. I've cheap PLA here that's unprintable or some materials degrade over time
- Bowden tubes can wear out and have to much friction.
- Coupler degradation. You checked, but a smaller inner diameter might not be obvious to see.
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CarloK 207
I'm no expert in the UM2+, but search this forum for PTFE coupler. It is the white plastic (teflon) part inside the print head which degrades at temperatures higher than 230C. The higher the temperature the faster.
When it degrades the inner diameter becomes smaller and it will become more difficult for the filament to get through. These are cheap replacement parts, just order a few. Quality differs so you might browse this forum for opinions. Both the Ultimaker and 3Dsolex parts were recommended.
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loderunner 0
thank you for your tip. I looked after the coupler, but its ok (looks like new) and so can't be the problem.
Is it possible the PT100 has a temperature resistence to the heat block? So that the measured temperature is less than the temperature at the nozzle? But i can't see any problem at this position.
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