Thankyou so much. 🙂 This has really helped me. Your first solution is the right one for me. I don't know why I didn't think of it myself as I am always doing this with gcode for my CNC machine. I guess it didn't occur to me to do this as it's not usually something we do with 3D printers ie. re-zero one axis after a print has commenced but it's a great and simple solution until the bug is fixed. I have reported it through the link you sent me. 🙂
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gr5 2,265
Wow!! You are correct. That does seem like a bug. Here are 2 work arounds:
1) You can add two lines of gcode to tell the printer to print the part higher.
Look for the Z commands and if your bottom layer is 0.3 then look for the "Z 0.3" in your gcode. Just before that put the above two lines and it will move the nozzle to 10mm above the glass and then tell Marlin that *this* is now z=0 and will do what you want. Change the "10" to the hight you want to raise the part.
2) In cad, you can add a cuboid say 3mm by 3mm on the base and 0.5mm tall (at least as thick as the "initial layer height". then move you "actual" model up higher than this cuboid by the height you want to raise your model.
3) Maybe report this bug in github - you need to create a free github account if you don't already:
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