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Profil Geeetech A30T/ Probleme mehrfarbdruck


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Posted · Profil Geeetech A30T/ Probleme mehrfarbdruck

Hallo, gibt es mitlerweile ein Profil für den A30T?

Mit dem angepassten vom A20T kann ich zwar bestens einfarbig drucken, aber beim mehrfarbig geht fast alles in die hose.

Entweder es verschiebt mitten im Druck die schicht, weil er zum farbe wechseln auf dem druck stehen bleibt und dann etwas filament rausläuft, er somit einen haufen bildet und dann bei den folgenden Layern drüber hoppelt, oder er füllt gar nict erst und zieht das filament nur von einem der drei Extruder.






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    Posted (edited) · Profil Geeetech A30T/ Probleme mehrfarbdruck

    Because the 2-in-1-out and the 3-in-1-out hot ends are relatively new, you need to experiment with the settings.  I would think that Reddit or maybe a users group on Facebook could be helpful in setting Cura up to work with your printer.  Does Geetech have a forum?


    Do you have the "Printer Settings" plugin loaded (from the MarketPlace)?  It has the "extruders share heater" and "extruders share nozzle" settings within it.

    There may be settings in the Dual Extruder section that need to be adjusted.

    Each extruder can have it's own start and end gcode.  Those allow for further custimization.


    I have configured virtual printers with 3 extruders and generated gcodes but I don't actually have one.  I know that if you make a change to an extruder, it is only for that extruder.  Each has to be altered separately in Cura.

    Reality often gets in the way of my virtual printing experience so I'll go no further with this.


    Good Luck.

    PS:  Those are possibly the ugliest geckos I've ever seen.  I think that just for practicing I'd load 3 calibration cubes and set each one to a different extruder.  That should cut back on your filament usage while you get it dialed in.  Getting to and from the prime tower without making a mess will be a key.

    Edited by GregValiant
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    Posted · Profil Geeetech A30T/ Probleme mehrfarbdruck



    ich hatte das Problem auch hab aber als ersten die extruderantriebe gewechselt gegen Bmg clone .. dann hab ich das ganze umgebaut auf purge bucket im Cura und dann lief das auch ..

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    • 2 months later...
    Posted · Profil Geeetech A30T/ Probleme mehrfarbdruck
    On 8/15/2021 at 9:30 AM, Birk said:



    ich hatte das Problem auch hab aber als ersten die extruderantriebe gewechselt gegen Bmg clone .. dann hab ich das ganze umgebaut auf purge bucket im Cura und dann lief das auch ..

    Hallo Birk, kannst du es mir detalierter erklären? was genau für antriebe verwendest du? unter der Bezeichnung finde ich mehrere 100. Kannsz du mir ggf das profil für den drucker für cura senden?

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    Posted · Profil Geeetech A30T/ Probleme mehrfarbdruck

    I also just bought the Geeetech A30T printer and see no support for it within the software. When will this get supported? It seems there is no way to contact Ultimaker about this issue.

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    Posted · Profil Geeetech A30T/ Probleme mehrfarbdruck

    It is not an Ultimaker issue, most 3rd party profiles are community profiles. So you can search for others which have a working profile and just use that. Or someone creates a profile and contributes it to Github that it will be included in an upcoming Cura release.


    Ultimaker don't creates profiles on request for 3rd party printers.

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    Posted (edited) · Profil Geeetech A30T/ Probleme mehrfarbdruck

    The A30T appears to be a really big A20T.  With that in mind I made a couple of changes to the A20T definition file.  If you download the file below, unzip it, and copy "geeetech_A30T.def.json" into the Cura definitions folder (on my Windows computer it's C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.12.1\resources\definitions).  Start (or restart) Cura and the A30T will be available to install.  If and when you update Cura you will need to copy the file into the new version's definition folder until someone decides to add an official definition to Cura.


    You've embarked on a voyage with a large learning curve.  There are a lot of settings you will need to dial in yourself.  The dual extruding A20M and 3 extruder A20T printers are much the same as the A30T as far as operation goes.


    You should learn what the commands M163 through M166 do.  They are the ones that allow you to mix the colors and use additional virtual extruders.



    Edited by GregValiant
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