If you are good with ssh you can make your S5 in "developer" mode from the controller. Then it will how it's ip address at the top. You can ssh into the machine using username/password ultimaker/ultimaker and then send gcodes to move the X and Y axes without having to home the axes.
You can also swap cables and the problem moves to the Y stepper then it is indeed the stepper driver. But I haven't ruled out the "limit switch" possibility without seeing a video first.
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gr5 2,234
Could you please take a short video? Steppers are incredibly tough and your printer is pretty tough as well. I'm guessing the problem is that the limit switch isn't getting hit. For the X axis the limit switch is in the rear left corner in the top of the machine. It's easy for that to get loose or moved or for nothing to be pushing against it.
It's extremely rare that a stepper needs to be replaced. However, sometimes a stepper driver fails. But your description isn't specific enough. I really need to see a video.
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