The folded metal part always looked like this. The bottom part is actually straight and always prints well - only the top part doesn't look straight.
I updated the firmware 3-4 weeks ago. Before cleaning the it wasn't touching the clip. Now it's touching it a little bit which prevents proper levelling of the build place.
If it was a few mm further, it would be fine. I'm not sure why it's not because it was fine yesterday.
Apart from firmware update, what else could be an issue?
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illuminarti 18
Did it get caught during the bed leveling process?
It looks like your fan shroud - the folded metal part - isn't straight, but I'm not sure if that's because it got caught, or if it is always like that. When positioned correctly I think the shroud should always clear the clips - but only just.
The most recent firmwares are supposed to position the head so it it slightly further from the clips during leveling. What firmware version do you have?
So long as the head is a few mm further back, it's ok for the print head to go that far across, and even a touch further. So it's not really an end stop issue as such.
Cura has logic built in the keep the print head away from the clips during printing - it won't slice parts that get too close to the clips.
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