Hi Greg,
thank you for advice. I am not using SD card. I control printer from Pronterface. I also try same print made by Creality 1.2.3 slicer and this prints always fine. There must be some parameter or something behind that Cura makes differently.
I just tried to print another things and one time it printed whole thing, the other one snapped the filament again. I checked and it was broken cca 7cm from the sensor. I made slice with Creality slicer now and comparing - see attached files. The one with CCR1 is from Cura, the other one Creality.
There is end gcode in both of them so this is not a problem.
But in Creality there are commands for example
while in Cura there is
The difference is F3000 and F4200 from Creality and F1500 and F7500 from Cura, which I dont know what it means (I didnt learn the commands yet). There are 184 layers in Creality and 183 in Cura.
It might be that the filemant is too old? I got it from person who doesnt want the printer any more, and it might be 2 years old. But it never fail when sliced by Creality, this is strange.
I have it in basement, but I increased heat for nozzle to 210 degrees and bed to 75, and it is sticing fine. Actually there is no problem with first layers, only when it gets higher, but not same height every time. Sometimes it is 1cm and like yesterday it was after printing few milimiters.
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GregValiant 1,409
Creality printers can be fussy about the SD card. The one that comes with the printer is a really inexpensive one and has a short life span (sometimes measured in seconds).
The SD cards (any of them) can become corrupt. When you copy a file to the SD and the end of the file gets written to a bad sector on the card, then the file will print until it gets to the bad sector and the information quits making sense to the printer. At that point the printer will decide it's done, but nothing has told the printer to shut off the hot end or bed or fan.
If you are using Windows then you can use Notepad to open a gcode file. Open the one from the SD card and scroll to the end. There should be a bunch of comments starting with ";" and above that will be a line ";end gcode". If that stuff isn't there then the SD is corrupt.
You can try re-formatting the card to FAT32. Make sure you copy any files on it to your hard drive before you format. Then copy your gcode to the card and try again. If you decide on a new SD card (most people do) it must be 32gb or less.
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