Measure the height of between lines. Then measure the threads on your Z screw. Note that if this is a UM2 the threads are a triple helix so multiply that measurement (on a UM2) by 3. Are these 2 measurements the same? If so then something is happening exactly once per rotation.
Did you grease the Z screw? There is a small packet of green grease. Put one drop of grease (sphere of diameter 5mm) onto the Z screw and then run the bed up and down past this spot 4 times.
Is the Z coupler tight? Is the Z screw straight? Does it wobble? Is your Z motor axially aligned with the screw? Is the Z screw all the way into the coupler or is it maybe sticking out a little?
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illuminarti 18
What sort of printer are you using?
If you view the gcode in Repetier Host (or even just switch to the layers view in Cura) can you see the problems there? If so, then it's probably something about the geometry of your model.
Given the regular pattern, it looks like it might be related to your z-axis. What is the distance between the lines in mm?
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