Same problem here.
Tried to use Cura to add brims to my object in order to prevent warping on an Makerbot Replicator 2x. After added the printer from the machine settings menu, the layers preview moves the object outside the platform. Playing with the settings I found out that the object goes back to the center of the platform when you change the GCode Flavor to UltiGCode. So it seems that Cura has the Makerbot Flavor wrong. Tried to use UltiGCode but it confuses my Makerbot. Any solution to this?
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gr5 2,295
What kind of printer is this? You have it configured for center to be at "0,0" in machine settings. I assume you don't have an ultimaker because the ultimaker center is at 100,100 (roughly).
This is a bug in layer view. I don't know what the workaround is. I suppose you could lie and uncheck the 0,0 box in machine settings, look at it in layer view until you are happy, then check the box again and DON'T LOOK at layer view.
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