I was lucky enough to find this and get sorted. For Plus users, everything is identical but build plate must be changed to 302x302x352mm. He's is supplying the Gcode as well. I asked his permission to share this, (goes by 3dpuk) if you find it useful make sure to let him know!
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GregValiant 1,409
Install an AnyCubic printer that is close to yours. You can change the build plate size in the Machine Settings.
An important setting is the StartUp Gcode. It looks like your printer has an Auto-Level gizmo. You will need to add a command to your startup gcode to get the leveling routine to run. That command is often G29 but it might be M420. Either way there could be parameters that are necessary. Check over on Reddit and see if you can get some guidance there.
A square is a rectangle with equal sides. A circle is an ellipse with equal major and minor diameters.
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