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I like it Fuzzy and Shaved


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Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

I have a situation where I need grip on a Hollow Pipe shaped model. Fuzzy skin is damn near perfect. But at one end of the pipe I have text and Fuzzy Skin ruins the text. I saw a video and have tried using a Support Blocker whereas Fuzzy Skin can be deselected while the Main Body is set to have Fuzzy Skin and theoretically simple as that. But the Blocker creates an extra bottom and top inside my model. I have tried the reverse where the Body has the Blocker and Fuzzy is turned ON while the Text area (which is the normal no fuzz Body) is left to no fuzz. But, in addition the the extra top and bottoms which I might be able to live with, a very strange thing happens. No matter where the Blocker is the Text will Not slice as a Extrude Text. The blocker, even if not over the text, seems to cause the text to be integrated into the walls.

Does anyone have a solution to this?

A feature that would tell Fuzzy Skin which layer to start on seems like it would be perfect and somewhat easy for such brilliant minds. 

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    Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    Hey @Kotaztrafee,


    Ah! This sounds like a super interesting challenge to solve. 

    Do you have a project file for us so we can help you troubleshoot? 

    To save a project file go to File -> Save project


    I really think it requires just a few tweaks to get it to work. 

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    Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    I can not attach the actual file but this is very similar. I tried to slice it and it does the same thing as the model I am working on. Please re-read the original message for what I experience. 

    I wish I would have made you an example with more area between the walls so you could better see the Extra Top and Bottom Layers. 

    Very much looking forward to your reply.

    Fuzzy Skin Test for Cura.stl 1903358677_FuzzySkinTestforCura.gcode

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    Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    I think you 2 more options (besides the standard support blocker).  I don't know that either will actually work as you would like.

    1. Make the text area a separate model and the tube will have a cutout where the text area fits.  You would need to test this and see if the Mesh Fixes settings for removing overlaps will work.

    2. Design a custom blocker shape so it doesn't affect the internals of the main model as much.


    I went with option 2 for this little exercise.  The new model covers the text and only goes into the main model by about 1mm.  There would still be Tops/Bottoms and Walls, but the interference area is so small that they don't really matter.





    One problem I see is that the outer wall of the model still exists at the interface between the custom blocker and the main model.  That outer wall is fuzzy and then the new outer wall created by the blocker has to stick to the fuzzy skin.  That's probably not a good thing.  The letters could fall off.


    The easiest thing to do is just use a support blocker as a cutting mesh and live with the extra walls and skins.


    I would suggest (if you can) that you put a 45° chamfer on the sides of all the text.  The chamfer would keep the lettering from requiring support.


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    Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    1 - Sounds interesting and a vision I had in my head to. But will it work.? hehe  I am not familiar with the Mesh Fixes Setting so I would have to see if there are videos on it. Sure would suck to have to cut a hole in my model. It's not a simple design and in my limited experience making one little change affects so many other factors.

    2 - Your example is what I thought was a brilliant idea so I made a tag and put it just into the models skin about 1mm. It sliced and printed without fuzzy in the text area. I'm not sure if it printed the extra bottom inside (probably). It took me a couple times of printing to figure out I could just use preview  :-(   You can see the results. Maybe it's close to right...? To tell you the truth I have been trying so many things in the past month I'm not sure exactly what I did for the photo you see. I think it was a blocker put on the main body for no fuzz in the Tag area, the Tag recessed about 1mm into the skin with No Fuzz and sliced. I feel like you went less than 1mm, if at all into the skin,. Seems anything I have touching the skin alters walls. I made a tag .05mm thick for the text to sit on just to see if the walls would not be affected but they were. But I'm going to try the tag again since you think it has potential.
        I haven't learned how to make a Custom Blocker Shape..? Back to YouTube I guess  hahaha.   I have tried just blocking the text but I used multiple little blocks that were positioned around the diameter and just off the skin and into the skin. I have tried a lot of things and forgot a lot of things. Somewhere in there must me an acceptable solution.
         I see that your slice appears to have kept the main body skin in tact, the Text Extruded and it is interesting but I sure would like to find a solid solution. I say again that though it is not something now it might be a consideration to have a setting that turns fuzzy skin off and on at certain layers.


    I could live with an extra bottom, though it is wasteful, but as far as I can tell anytime the Blocker is cutting into the main body the text will not extrude if part of the model.

    This is not the actual file. The text on my model now lies on the bed so it will need little support, but point taken on the 45. What you see below is before I made the decision to put the text flat on the bed. I'm not even using the same font. I was worried the thingy on the Q would mess with the bottom layer.


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    Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved



    This was the result I was able to get. It's indeed careful mesh placement. 
    There is a gap, in the preview but the letters are on there very snuggly.


    If you are worried about the snuggness you can reduce the Fuzzy Skin Thickness. 

    Good luck!

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    Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    That is not shadow on the text. Those are gaps.

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    Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    OK I see. That might work especially if the text is sitting on a tag.

    - So you just put the text very close to the skin? Seems like the same suggestion as GregValiant right?
    - Does it touch the skin? 
    - Did you not use a blocker?
    - I need Fuzzy Skin as rough as possible for improved grip.
    I will be out of town until Sunday and am looking forward to trying it when I get back. Any detailed information or other solution you might come up with in the meantime please let me know.

    Can you guide as to where I can find how to make a custom Blocker?

    Thanks so much for your time and efforts.


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    Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    Both of you please be gentle.  This is my first time doing Fuzzy Skin.


    This is with a regular support blocker as a cutting mesh.  The blocker is 15mm tall and 3mm off the build plate.  I rotated the blocker 45° so only a point was sticking into the model (a pie shaped intrusion).

    I thought it came out pretty good.  The text is solid to the body where the text using the custom blocker looked weak.



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    Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    Back home anxious to give this a try. Can I trouble you to show me the preview of the slice. I think I understand what you mean by putting the blocker in like a pie slice. I had put the blocker across the front in a rectangle on one attempt but I've tried so many things with so many programs I'm not sure anymore what I did here or there and how they turned out. It seemed to me every time I used a blocker the text would get built into the wall. I thought I tried barely penetrating the skin but I'm going to  try barely touching. Lots of chores to catch up on so I won't get to it for a little while. You two will be the first to know when I get it right or get it wrong.

    That does look damn near perfect!


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    Posted (edited) · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    "That does look damn near perfect!" 

    Thanks for that.  We're supposed to know what we're doing here.  I try.


    I download and open a LOT of STL and 3MF files.  Yesterday I cleaned out my downloads folder, got rid of about 20 printers from Cura, and deleted a bunch of settings profiles.

    So this is a cartoon of what I did since what I actually did is gone.  The blocker is configured as a cutting mesh with Fuzzy Skin selected and then disabled.  It has been rotated 45°.


    Edited by GregValiant
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    Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    To confirm.

    The text is not part of the model?

    You made a tag of sorts for the text to sit on and put that barely touching the body?

    As I prepare to do so I feel like there is a problem. My actual model is not a flat symmetrical surface. That is to say it is curved like a doughnut where the text goes. In the photo I sent you before it looks like the area is flat because of the tag and that is sort of ok but I feel like I am going to have a problem with a flat tag. I guess I'm going to have to make the tag fit the curvature.  Argggghhh. I just started learning all these programs in March. I have more skills now but I still have to think a lot to get something done. Every program has it's own ways of moving around the screen ect. .....OK, I just spent an hour trying to make a doughnut shaped loft to send you as an example. I F(*&^%^&*kin forget how i did the things i've do0ne. my brain is so scrambled and I get so aggravated that I can't even create a f'n loft!!!  Then my aggravation makes me more aggravated!683341662_BottomofGrip.thumb.png.623ba864ec6b71cf5894fe04b1a47340.png

    OK, I don't like to have others do more than they should for what I should be able to do but I hope a screen shot of the part of the model can show you what I mean. That is how I have the text laid out now. I want it a tad bigger and spaced out with the text sitting just like it is with it fatter on bottom thinner on top but God willing I could figure out the rest in a few months.

    Thanks so much for your understanding and empathy.

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    Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    Understand that doing this crap is how I learn.  It's self serving.


    It doesn't matter how the surface is shaped (that the text is embedded into).  The blocker does the heavy lifting to keep Fuzzy Skin from the area of the text.  There will be extra walls and tops/bottoms but that's just a bit more plastic and a few minutes of time.

    That model I used in my last post is a calibration shape I came up with.  The lettering was added in MS 3D Builder.  If it was a real model I would have altered the text so it went on normal to the surface instead of half-wrapping which skews the text.

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    Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    LOL MS 3D Builder huh?   Perfect. Another 2 months to learn another program. Just sayin'. I'm working with FreeCAD, Blender and Cura and that's enough to blow my mind. 

    OK?! Maybe I have it?!
    I haven't Printed yet but Look At That!
    Do you think the Green Inner Wall on the Top of the Text will be ok?

    I think there is a limit as to how deep one can push the text into the body wall. Until I made a very thin tag and barely scratch the surface did it work. I was able to push the text back into the curved surface as you stated and it looks good from here. I feel like I did all these things at one point along the way but the combination of factors were not right. Thanks for you help!

    I have no problem with the extra top/bottom as I can get the extras down to 3 layers, I think I discovered before and they extra will provided added strength and an extra cavity for flotation, that the TORK GRIP does. Though the added weight is not helpful. My QIDI Plus seems to do a pretty good job bridging on those extra bottoms/tops.

    I am going with the Blocker all the way around as it serves some purpose.........After I type this I had a thought to try and just go half way or pie cut like you did so I did. You can see in the second photo that the bottom layer has some sorta double wall thing. That is with the blocker half way. So I put a full blocker all the way around (as I did for one of my failed attempts.) an it's clean all the way around I think.

    I think I'm ready to try a print. What do you think?

    Text No Fuzzy Solved maybe.png

    Half Blocker.png

    Full Blocker.png

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    Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    Don't mean to pile on messages but, I had messed with blocker setting for Bottom and top before and have not had the control I am finding now. I can adjust the bottom layer all the way to zero and there will be no bottom layer. The main body setting for it's bottom layer prints whatever I have designated. Before, I swear, it seem like the two setting were cumulative.......OH,  maybe because i was cutting to far into the mesh?!  Either way I have much more control now and it looks like my problem is darn near solved!

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    Posted (edited) · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    OH NO! MEANING, OH YES! By setting the main body to zero bottom zero initial the second wall is eliminated. I am convinced these new abilities are all due to not cutting to far into the body with the text. I will accept a different reason but for me right now.....The only thing I can think that I have done different is barely if at all touching the main body with my text/tag. God bless you both!

    Edited by Kotaztrafee
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    Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    On another subject that maybe I should post a new thread? 

    But, what am I missing that I only find the advanced settings for Fuzzy Skin in the Support Blocker menu but have no advanced options for the main body? Cura 5.0 doesn't work on my QIDI X Plus as it sits.

    So, I had in the past tried putting the Blocker on the Body and applying all the Fuzzy options there while leaving the Text Area as NO Fuzzy. Vise Versa you know. 

    I'm currently printing a TORK GRIP now!

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    Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    I'm really enjoying the enthusiasm over here! 😃
    How did your print came out @Kotaztrafee ?

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    Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    @Kotaztrafee I like to start any Cura session with a clean slate.  I reselect my printer, and then the profile so they reset to my defaults.  Then I use the Setting Visibility tool and set it to "All" so I don't miss anything.  When that is done - then the tedium of going over the settings to adjust them for the particular model can begin.

    After all that careful planning I'll start the print, kick back in my chair...and THEN notice that I forgot to move the Z-seam.

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    Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved
    7 hours ago, MariMakes said:

    I'm really enjoying the enthusiasm over here! 😃
    How did your print came out @Kotaztrafee ?

    You took a lot of pressure off of me just by showing me how it is possible. This is not the final product as I think I can do better. I currently am using a tag made in FreeCAD so the text is sitting on a thin extrusion. I am going to switch to Blender for a curved text that I think will be much better. I am seeing some deformation on the early layers that I think is due to the tag/extrusion/fusion.


    4 hours ago, GregValiant said:

    @Kotaztrafee I like to start any Cura session with a clean slate.  I reselect my printer, and then the profile so they reset to my defaults.  Then I use the Setting Visibility tool and set it to "All" so I don't miss anything.  When that is done - then the tedium of going over the settings to adjust them for the particular model can begin.

    After all that careful planning I'll start the print, kick back in my chair...and THEN notice that I forgot to move the Z-seam.

    LOL How boutit!


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    Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    Now those letters look well attached to the body.  Much better.

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    Posted (edited) · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    Thanks for your encouragement but be honest it is generic. The attached photo is what I always wanted it to be. Blender was a real killer for me when I was getting started. Different command buttons and an odd system of connecting operations with lines. But it turns out I didn't need to that stuff for what I'm doing. After watching many Blender Youtube videos at half speed I finally just settled on simply making curved text and slicing as we have been doing. That text is more process heavy than my entire TORK GRIP! I have a pretty good computer and it took about 2 min to Export stl. Took about the same time to put in Cura.

    Printing it now.

    On the next print I am going to lower the line height and diameter and such....What do you recommend for setting in the Blocker to make that area as defined as possible?


    TORK GRIP Proper Font Slant.png

    Edited by Kotaztrafee
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    Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    When the letters are vertical like that, and they have 90° sides they require support.  I would have added chamfers but that is a personal choice and definitely would affect the "look".


    Ignoring the Fuzzy Skin for a second - that model could be printed pretty fast so call it a print speed of 75 and with the blocker set to 30 or 35mm/sec Inner and Outer Wall Speed.  That will keep any mechanical "bouncing" out of the letters while the printer zooms through the rest of the print.  You could do that with a second blocker that just covers the letters rather than going through the whole part.  The Fuzzy Skin causes so much additional movement of the print head that I don't know if adjusting the speed higher on the main print is useful.  It would boil down to Accel and Jerk as to how fast the thing actually prints.  When I print horizontal letters I may add a blocker to slow down just the lettering.  It's especially helpful for narrow fonts which are tough anyway.

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    Posted · I like it Fuzzy and Shaved

    Kinda happy with the results. Might increase the size of the text.  I always envisioned a drastically slanted style. Blender, text only, made it much better IMO. I tried putting a Bevel Modifier on the text but it wouldn't take, with the angled text I guess. Amazing how hard the processor had to work just for text. I will look into Chamfering. I like Chamfers and Filets. Kinda hard to see the text being the same color but that's ok. 
    Not sure I could reach those speeds with ASA. My initial Speeds are 20 and Wall Speeds at 35 with main print at 50 for ASA. This photo is of PLA. Had to quit wasting ASA. I wouldn't mind printing the whole blocker section at lower speeds if it cleans up the lines. Speed will one day be a critical factor if this goes to market but I lean more toward quality. What do you think will be the most effective settings for the text area or do you think what you see is about as good as it gets?


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