Hi printedman,
Didn't quite understand your post... if you bought a Ultimaker, my congratulations it's a awesome machine
If you bought a makerbot, I feel sorry for you....
Hi printedman,
Didn't quite understand your post... if you bought a Ultimaker, my congratulations it's a awesome machine
If you bought a makerbot, I feel sorry for you....
I have click the buy button and now started the waiting game....
Makerbot new 5th gen.. looks nice... :cool:
Thats the printer that made my decision harder while considering to buy a 3D printer. I decided for Ultimaker 2 in the end, but i would love to see a review of the printer when you recieve it even on this Ultimaker forum.
If the Makerbot 5th generation supported ABS, prints same dimension as Ultimaker 2 and ready for dual extrusion i would have bought it. The craftmanship and build quality look very promising.
However im more proud for buying Ultimaker 2 than Makerbot
The new Makerbot Replicator has one clear disadvantage and that's the build height of 6 inches. That's the only thing Makerbot cannot improve over the next one or two years for the very same model.
The Smart Extruder as they call it can easily replaced. Even by a dual extruder if they develop one. Or by one capable of printing ABS. It already has a heated platform and to add an enclosure should not be that difficult.
But some people here in the forum are currently working on a swapable extruder even for the UM1.
Another feature of the new Replicator, the out-of-filament-check, is also very nice. I think a future product from Ultimaker may also include such a feature. But it would be even better if the printer would not just realise when it has already run out of filament but a few meters before (I now that's going to be difficult but hey, this is the UM forum where the (nearly) impossible is made possible... ).
About the UI knob they are so proud of: Have a look at the UM2... :wink:
I agree, the build size is too small and that was one of the reasons i decided not to buy it. Also there is no way to know if a double extruder will be available and now when they are "closed" there is not much chance they will be available by third parties.
They have a nicer display but not needed. But for me as a hobyst the Ultimaker 2 is definately a win.
Thanks for all the great reply. All you guys make me feel more happy for my order of the UM2. But hope that Ultimaker can try to let buyer like me know an estimate of when can we expect the shipping of the product individually.
MB 5th gen looks nice but I haven seen how it preform yet (talk about perform... I haven seen the print head move) :oops: .. Anyone seen it? I seen a lot of great clip on how UM2 is capable of.. Love it. Anyway.. hope to see more in this forum, YouMagine and google+. As for why I post here? Well I thought this is a welcome forum for new Ultimaker user or user to be, am I right? :roll:
Your post made it seem like you had ordered a Makerbot, not an Ultimaker, that's why I posted like I did.
I was reading the post “Hello from France” and in the post he wrote
“ I am about to click on the "Buy" button soon but I still have some questions to ask before…”
So I was feeling kind of happy that I just click the Buy bottom and waiting happily for my UM2… (not MB). :oops: And thats how i wrote my post.. Overjoy I guess.. my bad… :mrgreen:
Anyway its not bad too. After reading all the respond, make me feel more happier in the purchase. :cool:
BTW, the MB 5th Gen really looks nice... BUT... they still need to show me how the Print Head MOVE!!!... at less. :???: :roll: :idea:
You can find a video of 5th generation printing on youtube. But i if your Ultimaker printer dies in future you will have endless possibilities to trace spare parts, repair and see whats wrong.
If you ever get stuck with something like this as example (other 3D printer, closed, sanded IC-s) there is no help:
You can find a video of 5th generation printing on youtube. But i if your Ultimaker printer dies in future you will have endless possibilities to trace spare parts, repair and see whats wrong.
If you ever get stuck with something like this as example (other 3D printer, closed, sanded IC-s) there is no help:
Ya I agree with you, thats why I am now waiting for UM2.... Btw I still can't find any 5th generation printing on youtube... Care to share a link if you have one? Thanks.
Thats the printer that made my decision harder while considering to buy a 3D printer. I decided for Ultimaker 2 in the end, but i would love to see a review of the printer when you recieve it even on this Ultimaker forum.
If the Makerbot 5th generation supported ABS, prints same dimension as Ultimaker 2 and ready for dual extrusion i would have bought it. The craftmanship and build quality look very promising.
However im more proud for buying Ultimaker 2 than Makerbot
If I am not mistaken I heard on the 3D Printshow in New York that they are stepping away from Dual Extrusion, so the new generations will be single head only (whether it will be PLA or ABS depends on the bed I think.).
I thought that was kind of a strange move...
And I haven't seen one print either.
And also they will move towards 2mm filament - or is this just a rumor?
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IRobertI 521
Not sure why you're posting that on these forums but hey, enjoy your new printer once it arrives. We'll still be here when you change your mind
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