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Order cancelation

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Posted · Order cancelation

Since i have some unforunate changes and customer service can be slow im also posting this here.

Please cancel my order R078371244 and refund on same account the money came from, all account details written in ticket #CYP-373-26396. Fell free to put all bank charges on my cost

Since im out of the waiting list, someone will get a printer faster, whoever it is you can thank me later :)


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    Posted · Order cancelation

    can i ask.. why cancel ?


    I know this question wasn't for me, but I have to say I have considered cancellation myself - my reason being poor customer service experience. I placed my order precisely 8 weeks ago; back then the lead time was up to 8 weeks. Earlier this month I noticed somebody reporting a 12-week delivery time, which would mean problems for me. I sent a question to support on February 10 about risk of significantly longer delivery time, but I haven't received a reply since. I resent my message on February 18 - no reply.

    In my messages to customer service I have made it clear I'm not trying to get any special treatment - I'm just in need of information. As there apparently is a delay, I'm not delighted to learn some resellers are getting units for which they don't yet have orders for.

    What makes me worried is - once I'll have the Ultimaker, I might actually be in need of support. If the communications is so poor now, how is it going to be then?


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    Posted · Order cancelation

    Hi 3Poro, I can see where you're coming from, but my view would be...try not to worry too much.

    My UM2 was delayed by over 4 weeks and I was close to cancelling my order for similar reasons......In my case, I would call them and they would say that mine would be shipped at the end of the next week, but that didn't happen, and each time I called I would get a similar reply.....but.....eventually it did come.

    I had a technical inquiry even before I was able to make my first print. This was due to a blocked nozzle.

    The support at Ultimaker has been good, and despite my initial frustrations, I am a happy customer.

    I have the attitude that I have to over look the delays and the odd technical issue because I know that the company is going through a process of pretty rapid evolution. I'm pretty sure this is because the UM2 is a new product and it has been a fantastic sales success for Ultimaker. The product is one of the nicest out there. From what i've experienced so far, the guys at Ultimaker are a great bunch of people that are passionate about what they do....we need to give them a chance to do their best for us.

    Hang on in there !


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    Posted · Order cancelation

    I can only offer my opinion too, in that I have had the ultimaker a few days but I am already learning so much... and this forum has a wealth of information and everybody ( so far ) haha is so willing to help out. Any technical info I have needed so far I have found within these pages.

    Sniper... really hope your OK and that things turn good !


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    Posted · Order cancelation

    Again i would like to say that im not canceling my order due to the bad company or bad product.

    This topic is just here to arise attention of great employers like SandervG to help me to get my refund as quick as possible because i cant wait for months now.


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    Posted · Order cancelation

    I'm in the same boat as 3Poro - Due to my travel schedules with work, I emailed a few times to get as accurate a ship date as possible. Again, I didn't want special treatment, in fact I said I don't mind if it is delayed. I just needed to know. I was assured (twice) the week before it was due to ship that it would be sent out in the 8th week of my 6-8 weeks (possibly beginning of the 9th week, but either way it should arrive end of 9th week - transit time dependant, of course).

    Since then I have heard nothing... at all. That was 15 days ago. I don't expect a phone call but I do expect a reply to one of my emails, or the PM to Sander that I sent a couple of days ago.

    The radio silence is what is hurting me, not the delay of shipment.


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    Posted · Order cancelation

    Hey Stuart i understand your frustration, if someone would contact you and explain you the situation it would not be problem to wait more. Im not sure do they have massive numbers of tickets or something other that prevents them to reply you. Possibly they could have a delay with delivery of some parts and cant know when will the production resume.

    Unfortunately im in a different kind of situation since im not waiting for my printer but a return of funds and this is why im pushing it because i cant and will not wait for my funds to return 2-3 months. I hope you will receive your printer soon.

    Im still waiting for SandervG to reply anything.


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    Posted · Order cancelation

    I have to say Sander was away all of last week representing ultimaker in America ! I guess the poor guy has a mountain of hundreds of emails he is busting his hump getting through !



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    Posted · Order cancelation

    I have to say Sander was away all of last week representing ultimaker in America ! I guess the poor guy has a mountain of hundreds of emails he is busting his hump getting through !



    I believe I've been there - having received a few dozen e-mails during flight and trying to get them sorted out before connecting flight...

    Given all the frontiers Sander needs to fight on, he's surprisingly active on the forums. Now in the meanwhile he has posted a very informative summary:


    At Ultimaker, this kind of information must have existed all the time. If it would have been made actively available (as a "Note to customers" on website - or pinned topic on the forums - or by email), the number of redundant support messages would have been smaller.


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    Posted · Order cancelation

    I have to say Sander was away all of last week representing ultimaker in America ! I guess the poor guy has a mountain of hundreds of emails he is busting his hump getting through !



    It was read, I can see it was read... Saying, "sorry, I will look into it" or "i'll be updating via the forum/email on friday at the latest" takes a few seconds. If there is time to open and read it, there is time to type a quick message. Also, I assume the majority of mails are likely to be about this issue, so a copy and paste of the same message will take even less time ;)

    I am trying not to be too angry about this - I like Ultimaker, I just can't stand bad customer service.


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    Posted · Order cancelation

    I called third time today and get a promise my case will be solved and i will notified "today" and nothing.

    SandervG - help :-|


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    Posted · Order cancelation

    Im again raising this topic because still nothing and we still did not received refund. SandervG or anyone else reading this forum from Ultimaker please see what is happening.


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    Posted · Order cancelation

    Hi Hacklord,

    Thank you for your post.

    Like Ian said I have been away to 2 international events, which obviously is no excuse but it is a reason for

    a slower response from my end.

    Just like you Hacklord, I was also told the refund has been processed.

    I will personally look into it and if for some reason it has not been processed I will make sure it happens ASAP.

    In any way I will give you some feedback on what is happening.

    @ Stuart, I understand your post dates back a couple of days and I also believe I have already contact you but just to be sure your order has already shipped so I assume you already have it :)


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    Posted · Order cancelation

    Hello Sander,

    i understand you are busy, its not even jour job to process my refund. However im still getting no response, the given refund dates have passed.You really need to push up your staff.

    Please let me know ASAP what is the status, i really cant wait my refund 2-3 months.


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    Posted · Order cancelation

    Last week I walked up to the financial department, and I ran into my colleague at the same time.

    Both pushing your refund, and we were told it would be processed Friday.

    I will double check, but I am sure it was indeed processed and should show up in your account any day now.

    Please keep me posted!


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    Posted · Order cancelation


    still nothing. If it was processed friday it would arrive monday. But lets wait until tomorrow to be sure.


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    Posted · Order cancelation

    I have just double checked and it has been processed and completed.

    Perhaps the weekend added another day but I am told it should be on your account tomorrow by the latest.

    Can you keep me posted?

    Thank you!


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    Posted · Order cancelation

    Sander, thank you, Ultimaker community should be proud to have you. Refund just came 2 minutes ago.

    You can lock this topic, problem is solved. I would like to thank you once more for assistance and wish success to Ultimaker team.


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    Posted · Order cancelation

    I know this question wasn't for me, but I have to say I have considered cancellation myself - my reason being poor customer service experience. I placed my order precisely 8 weeks ago; back then the lead time was up to 8 weeks. Earlier this month I noticed somebody reporting a 12-week delivery time, which would mean problems for me. I sent a question to support on February 10 about risk of significantly longer delivery time, but I haven't received a reply since. I resent my message on February 18 - no reply.

    I'm replying to my own post to give an update... I placed my order on Dec 27 and received UM2 on March 10, so the total wait was a bit over 10 weeks. Together with the printer, I ordered 6-7 reels of filaments, they arrived at the same time with the printer.

    Now, after spending about 1kg of filament and trying very different types of prints, I wanted to share some of my notes:

    1) Packaging of UM2 looks good and is mostly OK. The way the giant power supply is placed on top of the printing platform gave me some creeps - but fortunately FedEx hadn't been very heavy-handed.

    2) The calibration process (partly necessary because of #1?) is straight-forward - you can actually get to the business quite quickly. However, the calibration adjustment needed some MacGyvering. The countersink M3 bolts start rotating when the adjustment knobs are turned. It's easier to calibrate without the glass plate - but the result won't be accurate. At least in my case the heads of the countersink M3 bolts are slightly higher than the aluminum plate underneath the glass plate. I actually guess this shouldn't be the case.

    3) The filament path from the reel to the filament feeder is not a design masterpiece. I now understand why some people prefer to keep their reels on floor on a lazy Susan. At least with non-full PLA reels there is obvious risk of under-extrusion with the factory design. The feeder just doesn't have the power to pull the filament - but it's not the feeder to blame.

    4) Generally speaking the print quality is very good. If the printing speed is kept low enough and the printed object is small in size, the results can be truly amazing.

    5) With larger objects slow printing is mandatory - my longest print so far took about 50 hours. If object is large, the printing platform starts to vibrate. This is especially the case with hard PLA when printing head is traveling across areas of infill. These idle travel itineraries should be somehow randomized by Cura in order not to create a very beaten and bumpy path which will rattle the whole printing platform quite violently.

    6) In general, Cura's algorithms have a lot of room for improvement - but I guess this is the case with all software implementations for the time being. From what I have read, Cura is not bad when compared to the others. The market is still immature and at a stage where you don't have to be good in order to be among the best.

    7) Overall build quality of UM2 is very good. It looks like high quality components have been used.

    Do I regret my purchase? Absolutely not. I knew I was putting money on progressive technology with some surprises on my way. So far, UM2 has pretty well met my expectations and I have already seen a lot of magic when using it.

    I installed a HD webcam on top of my UM2. Now I can check the progress also remotely, which is very useful.


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    Posted · Order cancelation

    Im glad you are happy with Ultimaker 2 and it should be like so, its an amazing product. I can now disclose my reasons why i quit. I didnot consider Ultimaker 2 chasis enough stable, some parts of the x-y gantry looked too cheap toy like plastic, feeder is a problem, underextrusion is a problem.. just to name a few. I consider it a great product, great looking, great idea but too expensive for what it is and how its built

    While surfing the web i found something that made me smile. Heavy steel chasis, feeder that is so strong it could pull anything, ballscrew, 30X20X400 mm build height, no plastic and all parts made from machined aluminium, steel or stanliess steel, 100 MHz 32 bit ARM CORTEX... and little more than half price of Ultimaker 2. Shipped in 3 days after i ordered (i waited 3 days because i requested a 1.75 mm extruder from standard 3 mm). Only problems is that they shipped the extruder for 3 mm by mistake but i got a new one for 1.75 mm promptly by DHL.

    Tested in on 50 hour prints, rock stable electronics, chasis and mechanics sturdy, stable, rigid. I think you could throw it in wall and it would not miss a single printing line.

    Here is one print, 0.25 layer, PLA, 150 mm/s, i tried it to 250 mm/s and it works. I wont say what printer it is, i dont want to say what printer it is, Ultimaker forum is not a place for it.



    Edit: The only downside is that its not open source, but a closed Chinese product. But i don't care, if you really look around your lab, workshop, house, anyway 99 % of products are closed source.


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    Posted · Order cancelation

    Im glad you are happy with Ultimaker 2 and it should be like so, its an amazing product. I can now disclose my reasons why i quit. I didnot consider Ultimaker 2 chasis enough stable, some parts of the x-y gantry looked too cheap toy like plastic, feeder is a problem, underextrusion is a problem.. just to name a few. I consider it a great product, great looking, great idea but too expensive for what it is and how its built

    From what I can tell, the chassis is surprisingly sturdy given its light weight. Probably the chassis couldn't deal with a heavier print head, but I guess this is Ultimaker's design choice - to keep the print head light and agile. I also believe the X-Y gantry can be durable in its light weight, but the time will tell. I'm actually more worried about the Z axis, after seeing the wild vibrations and rattling caused by print head bouncing on uneven surface (partly caused by Cura's algorithms).

    The Ultimaker is rather expensive, true. I didn't pay too much attention on the price - I have already now ordered filaments worth over 1000 EUR (having owned the printer for less than a week), so I guess I have forgotten the price of the printer before too long :)


    While surfing the web i found something that made me smile. Heavy steel chasis, feeder that is so strong it could pull anything, ballscrew, 30X20X400 mm build height, no plastic and all parts made from machined aluminium, steel or stanliess steel, 100 MHz 32 bit ARM CORTEX... and little more than half price of Ultimaker 2. Shipped in 3 days after i ordered (i waited 3 days because i requested a 1.75 mm extruder from standard 3 mm). Only problems is that they shipped the extruder for 3 mm by mistake but i got a new one for 1.75 mm promptly by DHL.

    Tested in on 50 hour prints, rock stable electronics, chasis and mechanics sturdy, stable, rigid. I think you could throw it in wall and it would not miss a single printing line.

    Stupid question maybe, but does the filament diameter matter to you? Is there better availability of different materials in 1.75mm size? I have seen people complaining about filament diameter of printers X and Y, but I still haven't seen very strong arguments one way or the other.


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