Hey @jcerki,
Thanks for the update. 😄
Can you share more about what you want to do?
Are the dimensions of your printjob not accurate enough?
Ano, rozmery po tlaci nie su pre mna dostatocne. Potrebujem dodrzat 38, 23 a 10mm v tolerancii 0 -0,1. Vytvoril som si aplikaciu na prepocet celkovej vysky voci prvej a dalsim vrstvam. A funguje aj pri tlaci. Ale by som potreboval aj tie ostatne 🙂
Dakujem za kazdy napad.
Yes, the dimensions after printing are not enough for me. I need to keep 38, 23 and 10mm in a tolerance of 0-0.1. I created an application to calculate the total height of the first and other layers. And it works even when printing. But I would also need the others 🙂
Thanks for any idea.
Edited by jcerki
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MariMakes 206
Hey @jcerki,
Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉
Unfortunetly, this isn't possible. We have adaptive layerheight that does this partly.
Why do you want to have this differences in layerheight?
Are you looking to speed up your printjob?
Maybe we can help 😊
Do you have a project file for us? It contains the printer and settings we need for troubleshooting.
To save a project file go to File -> Save project.
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