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Temperatures in 'Tune' menu are missing

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Posted (edited) · Temperatures in 'Tune' menu are missing

I have the lastest firmware (7.1.3) in my S5 and now within the Tune menu the 2 print cores and build plate temperatures just display 'C', for both current and target. I can view the temperature from looking at the print core from the main menu, but Tune view is not working.

Edited by Link
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Posted · Temperatures in 'Tune' menu are missing

Yes, we saw this as well and have already fixed it, so it will definitely be fixed in a future software release. Since it doesn't actuality block use (it just super inconvenient) we decided it wasn't critical, so it did not block the 7.1.3 release at the time.
It will definitely be fixed by version 8.0.0 which is pretty much done, but I don't exactly know when that version will be released.

Thanks for the bug report @Link !

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    Posted · Temperatures in 'Tune' menu are missing
    44 minutes ago, robinmdh said:

    Yes, we saw this as well and have already fixed it, so it will definitely be fixed in a future software release. Since it doesn't actuality block use (it just super inconvenient) we decided it wasn't critical, so it did not block the 7.1.3 release at the time.
    It will definitely be fixed by version 8.0.0 which is pretty much done, but I don't exactly know when that version will be released.

    Thanks for the bug report @Link !


    No worries, as you say everything works, just cant see the numbers

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    Posted · Temperatures in 'Tune' menu are missing

     @robinmdh don't suppose version 8 will include the much requested info screen in the UI which will show layer number, temperatures etc etc all at once so advanced users can see what is going on in realtime ?, i know it has been much discussed and you had looked at it at one point ?



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    Posted · Temperatures in 'Tune' menu are missing

    sorry, but nope. I did make a installer/patch that added the layer number to the existing progress screen.
    The resistance against this is gone though, so maybe we can add a stats for nerds type page to the print progress SwipeView in 8.1.x maybe. 8.0.x is closed for new features.

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    Posted · Temperatures in 'Tune' menu are missing
    41 minutes ago, robinmdh said:

    sorry, but nope. I did make a installer/patch that added the layer number to the existing progress screen.
    The resistance against this is gone though, so maybe we can add a stats for nerds type page to the print progress SwipeView in 8.1.x maybe. 8.0.x is closed for new features.

    That would be amazing !, there is a huge appetite for this in the community, so be able to see layer number, fan speed, temps all at once will really help diagnose issues and fine tune etc. Please add this !, thanks so much !

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    Posted · Temperatures in 'Tune' menu are missing
    On 11/1/2022 at 9:36 AM, robinmdh said:

    sorry, but nope. I did make a installer/patch that added the layer number to the existing progress screen.
    The resistance against this is gone though, so maybe we can add a stats for nerds type page to the print progress SwipeView in 8.1.x maybe. 8.0.x is closed for new features.

    Hi @robinmdh any news on this stats for nerds screen ?, that will be super useful !



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    Posted · Temperatures in 'Tune' menu are missing

    @robinmdh any news on being able to see things like layer numbers etc ?, this will be super useful !



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    Posted · Temperatures in 'Tune' menu are missing

    Hey @Link,


    Unfortunately, we are not in charge of prioritizing things getting picked up. 

    But... we can help make your case to the people in charge.


    Can you help us understand the following:
    1. Can you describe a clear and concise description of what is solved by showing the layer height on screen? 
    2. Can you give a clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered?  If possible, think about why these alternatives are not working out.
    3. Can you describe who you think will benefit from this? Is everyone going to benefit from these changes? Or specific kinds of users?

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    Posted · Temperatures in 'Tune' menu are missing
    2 hours ago, MariMakes said:

    Hey @Link,


    Unfortunately, we are not in charge of prioritizing things getting picked up. 

    But... we can help make your case to the people in charge.



    Please see below, I really cannot understand why this is not just avalible by default as all other printers have it.


    Thanks for your help !



    2 hours ago, MariMakes said:


    Can you help us understand the following:
    1. Can you describe a clear and concise description of what is solved by showing the layer height on screen? 

       At present there is no way to track print progress, you cannot even see which layer is being printed and hence correlate that back to any details in Cura. For example, you cannot trace back any imperfections in the print at certain layers, you cannot manually pause the print at a certain layer etc etc. There is no way to see temperatures, fan speeds etc in real time without having to go into the tune menu one at a time, again to diagnose any issues or changes in real time you cannot simply see the temperatures, speeds, fan speed and correlate that back to the print.  (i am not sure why ever other manufacturer - including makerbot, see this type of information as useful but UM does not ?)

    2. Can you give a clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered?  If possible, think about why these alternatives are not working out.

     there is not way to see the layer number on the printer !, short of manually counting each time the layer changes ;). The tune menu can be used to see temperatures, but only one at a time and there is no summary screen to be able to track changes in one quick and permanent view.

    3. Can you describe who you think will benefit from this? Is everyone going to benefit from these changes? Or specific kinds of users?

     Everyone can benefit, if they don't find the information useful there is no compromise, these settings can be on a separate screen which can be swiped to access the same as the picture of the model or the remaining time. It would even help tech support diagnose issues as the users can report layer numbers, temperatures etc at the point an issues occurs. There really is no downside (Hence why all other printers have this feature)



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    Posted · Temperatures in 'Tune' menu are missing

    Hey @Link,


    I'll make sure that your feedback ends up on the correct desk. 👍


    Reading through your motivation I realized that a number of these data points can be extracted via the printer API. 
    Are you aware of its existence?

    You can see a real-time temperature graph of your printjob, if you add /info/temperature.html behind your printer's IP address. 

    You can ask things like how many percent of your printjob elapsed by adding /api/v1/print_job/time_elapsed behind your printer's IP. 


    You can read more about the available printer APIs here:  https://support.makerbot.com/s/article/1667412427787

    Regardless, I will share your feedback with management. 
    Thanks 👍

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    Posted · Temperatures in 'Tune' menu are missing



    Thanks for the info, yes, i was aware, however it's all about having it on the printer screen for quick and easy reference, same with layer number, i don't want to keep a PC tied to the printer for monitoring, we just need what all other printers have on the user screen 🙂


    really surprised it is not present, cannot understand why its not deemed useful for anyone using it ?


    Thanks again, really hoping this is added as a extra optional screen !



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    Posted · Temperatures in 'Tune' menu are missing

    Hi, any update on this extra menu ??, this is so needed for debugging !


    @MariMakes @robinmdh



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    Posted · Temperatures in 'Tune' menu are missing

    I don't get it... My god, It would mean they're not able to add it.


    How can you call that a "nerd screen" ? This is just a very very very basic information to be displayed, aaaaall other printers does it ! It allows to understand an issue or a potential improvement to be made in the slicer at a giver height, to re-print something from a layer and glue it to the other part that failed, to... Well, it's just so basic that it does not need explanation, there is possible drawback to have it on the screen ! Come on 😞


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    Posted · Temperatures in 'Tune' menu are missing

    yep totally agree, the term stats for nerds came from someone from UM i was trying to convince to add it, in fairness i think the tech guys can add it tomorrow but product management have to approve (is my read)

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    Posted · Temperatures in 'Tune' menu are missing

    Sooo... Still no answer to this request, @Link ?





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    Posted · Temperatures in 'Tune' menu are missing

    Nope, I keep asking and asking (it's been literally a few years now) last I heard was that a version might make it into a 8.1.x but not heard anything.


    @robinmdh any news you could share ?


    Many thanks



    On 11/1/2022 at 9:36 AM, robinmdh said:

    sorry, but nope. I did make a installer/patch that added the layer number to the existing progress screen.
    The resistance against this is gone though, so maybe we can add a stats for nerds type page to the print progress SwipeView in 8.1.x maybe. 8.0.x is closed for new features.


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