I have to put cura view into x-ray mode to see your holes at all. They are completely hidden inside a wall. I'm sorry but this is a blender issue and I don't know blender at all.
You could try an stl repair service like the free one from netfabb but there is a good chance it will just remove all those "holes".
The basic problem is that the face of your part is covering the holes.
Blender isn't great at making 3d models that can be printed. Blender lets you create infinitely thin walls with no need to make them have depth/thickness. CAD software that is meant to create real things won't let you do that. At least not easily.
If you were really good at blender I'd say stick with it and maybe google "making blender models manifold". But since you are a beginner, if you are using a PC, then I strongly recommend DSM (design spark mechanical). It's free and easy to use and it won't let you create models like this where a wall is covering a hole. There's just no way to do it as your parts are always manifold (real, complete, solid models).
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