I have an Ultimaker S5, so yep, enclosed chamber. And I've disconnected the Air Manager to prevent it from extracting all the heat enclosed. Yet, my first tests were totally not convincing, the air inside never reach sufficient temperature, and the bed by itself won't conduct enough heat.
Well, I'll try again by better caulking the panels gaps... But the obvious solution would be to allow heating the chamber by itself, manually, as I've read a lot about its "heated chamber" but now i'm wondering, if that's true or just that the enclose chamber will help having some temperature control inside, thanks to the AirManager.
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jirodriguez72 19
I dry filament in my print chamber all the time - I place a couple of threaded inserts (or other small 1-2 cm bits of metal) on the heat bed to create a small air gap between the plastic filament spool and the glass. Then run the heat bed up to the temp you want to dry your filament at, close the doors on the chamber and leave it alone for 4-6 hours (or longer for nylon). This does a decent job of drying out spools of filament. FYI - this is assuming you have a fully enclosed chamber.
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