GregValiant 1,410
If the temperatures aren't mentioned in the Startup Gcode then Cura will add them before the StartUp as a safety to prevent cold extrusions. Your startup gcode is missing the S parameters from the heating lines. Syntax errors will be ignored by the firmware.
From what I see on the MarlinFW site, Marlin doesn't use "G130" to set the stepper motor voltage. You might need to use M907 instead. The syntax for a dual extruder printer would be "M907 X20 Y20 Z20 E20 B20". "E" would be Extruder0 and "B" would be Extruder1. Frankly, I've never seen the stepper Vrefs adjusted in the StartUp gcode.
You can use Cura replacement patterns (keywords) that Cura will replace with the correct numbers when the Gcode is created.
M104 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} ;Start heating the nozzle.
M140 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ;Start heating the hot end.
M109 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} ;Wait for the nozzle to get to the set point.
M190 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ;Wait for the bed to get to the set point.
You can see that the S parameter is in there. The Curly brackets tell Cura that there are keywords in there.
Something like this would work. It would be a bit different if an ABL is involved:
G21 ;Metric values
G90 ;Absolute Movement
M82 ;Absolute Extrusion
M220 S100 ;set feed rate to 100% in case a previous print was tuned from the LCD.
M221 S100 ;set flow rate to 100%
G28 ; Home all axis
G0 F3000 X1 Y1 Z20 ; move to wait position
G130 X20 Y20 Z20 A20 ; lower stepper Vrefs while heating or M907 X20 Y20 Z20 E20 B20
M104 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} ;Start heating the nozzle.
M140 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ;Start heating the bed.
M105 ;Report temperatures
M109 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} ;Wait for the nozzle to get to the set point.
M190 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ;Wait for the bed to get to the set point.
G130 X127 Y127 Z40 A127 B127 ; default stepper Vrefs or M907 X127 Y127 Z40 E127 B127
G92 E0 ;zero the extruder
G1 F900 E10 ; purge nozzle
G92 E0 ;zero after purge
G0 F3000 X10 ; move over
G0 F2400 X25 Z.3 ; drop to wipe height
G0 X140 Y1 ;Slow wipe
G0 F2400 Z10 ; Raise Z
Edited by GregValiant
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Suggy 0
Just looking at the start off the gcode after its sliced and there are comands tell the printer to start heating. dont know why there there as my settings are under it.
;Filament used: 1.1685m
;Layer height: 0.15
;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 4.10.0
M140 S60
M190 S60
M104 S200
M109 S200
M82 ;absolute extrusion mode
G28 ; Home all axis
G1 Z20 X1 Y1 F3000 ; move to wait position
G130 X20 Y20 Z20 A20 ; lower stepper Vrefs while heating
M140 ; Heat Bed
M190 ; stabilize bed temperature
M104 ; Heat Extrued
M109 ; stabilize extruder temperature
G130 X127 Y127 Z40 A127 B127 ; default stepper Vrefs
G1 Z-0 ; Raise Bed ?
G1 E0 100 F900 ; purge nozzle
G1 X140 F1200 ; slow wipe
G92 E0
G92 E0
G1 F1500 E-6.5
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