GregValiant 1,351
You may also find it under "Settings / Extruder #". My Ender has "variants" and so the nozzle sizes are listed in the box.
If you load the "Printer Settings" plugin from the MarketPlace there is a box in there as well but I think that one may just be a repeater and the setting doesn't actually change. Seems like a glitch there.
I don't know how important the actual nozzle size is to Cura. The "Line Width" seems to be the important setting. I've run my 0.4 nozzle at up to .8 line width and other than slowing down so the extruder can keep up, I haven't had any issues.
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ahoeben 1,986
It depends a bit on the printer you have (and how you have added it to Cura), but most commonly the setting can be found in Preferences -> Printers -> Machine Settings -> Extruder 1
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ThomasamohT 0
I'm using Cura 5.2.1 and I can't find a way to change it either. In the middle (between the printer and the quality settings) I see the material type and a drop down for Nozzle Size but I don't see a way to change it. Any thoughts?
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