- Solution
GregValiant 1,455
Check that the setting "Make Overhangs Printable" is turned off. It will add chamfers to overhangs to...you know... make them printable.
In your sliced view that pocket looks deeper than in the preview so it might be a model issue. As Torgeir points out, a project file will tell the tale.
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Torgeir 287
Hi @bsommeri,
Welcome in here.
You give us very little information, -we need to know a lot more in order to give good advice.
So, -we'll like to see your project file. This file giving us your object and all the settings for printing this object.
However, for this problem you may click on your print object so you see that the object is selected (X,Y and Z axis is shown), then select "rotate" at the menu at left side (now you will see circles around these axes) . Be sure to uncheck the "snap rotation". All this is done when your "nnn.stl" model is viewed in "Preview" mode (in your Cura version).
Now, rotate your model around Z axis and see how your model look like for every deg you change.
You'll need to wait until the preview update for any small change you make, try this and see if the missing details appear..
Have a little patience when doing this. 🙂
Sometimes this might help in order to "see the right" triangles in your model.
This small adjustment sometimes help when "those" triangles is not detected as it should be.
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