GregValiant 1,409
If your printer is an "Origin at Center" machine and Cura is not set that way then there will be a location problem on the print bed.
The opposite is also true. If your printer is NOT an Origin at Center machine but the box is checked in Cura then the print will be off the left front corner of the build plate.
Auto-Home your printer, raise the Z a couple of mm's so the nozzle doesn't drag, then move the nozzle to X=0 Y=0.
If the nozzle is at the left front corner, then go into Cura to Manage Printers / Machine Settings and make sure the "Origin at Center" box is not checked.
If the printer nozzle is at the midpoint of the build surface then the Origin at Center box should be checked.
Without any images that's the best I can do.
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Dustin 175
Moved this topic because it appears to have nothing to do with a "UltiMaker 3D printer" as noted by the post.
You will likely want to provide screenshots/pictures of your issue to get any useful help though.
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