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UltiMaker Cura 5.5 stable released


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Posted · UltiMaker Cura 5.5 stable released

Experience improved model arrangement on the virtual build plate, powerful new engine plugins, and remarkable productivity improvements for UltiMaker S series printers in the newest version of Cura!


Ultimaker S series printers can now print at up to twice the speed


At UltiMaker, we're always on a mission to refine our printers. This includes not only our latest machines but also those already in the hands of our users. This Cura release contains one of the best examples of our dedication to continuous improvement with up to double the 3D printing productivity for everyone using our S series printers together with UltiMaker materials. 


While the raw speed of our S series printers has increased, we like to emphasize that, ultimately, it is the overall productivity of our printers that has been improved. That’s because we have been able to realize this speed increase without reducing print quality or increasing failure rates.


This is a huge achievement! Whether you’re using an S7 you bought today or an S5 you bought years ago,   you can now print parts in up to half the time, without any reduction in reliability or quality.


For instance, in the previous Cura 5.4 release, printing a part in PETG on an S5 with an AA 0.4 mm print core would have taken 2 days and 35 minutes:




But in Cura 5.5 it will take just 1 day 7 hours and 19 minutes using the same material, extruder, and printer:




Historically, when we've achieved such advancements, it’s been the outcome of rigorous testing and fine-tuning of our print profiles. We've done the same here, but we've also introduced new features that harness the full potential of our printers. A few prominent additions include:


Optimized print speeds for different line types


Outer walls, inner walls, and supports are all printed at different speeds. We have optimized the print speed for these and other line types, while also adjusting the acceleration and deceleration behavior when moving between line types. As a result, we are now able to print internal structures faster without reducing the visual quality or mechanical properties of your part. 


Smooth internal wall pathing


Previously the inside of walls was printed using a diagonal pattern that resulted in the print head performing a jittery zig-zag motion during printing. This has been changed so that the inside of walls now print using long smooth lines which enables the print head to reach higher speeds.


Prevent infill crossing close to walls


Tweaks have been made so that infill no longer overlaps near to external walls. Overlapping infill near walls can cause artifacts on the surface of your print, this change prevents those artifacts and also reduces print head travel, increasing print speeds.


For a comprehensive list of all the changes that were made in this release, view our release notes on GitHub. Performance improvements will differ based on materials, nozzle dimensions, and model specifics. The biggest improvements can be seen when printing large models and when printing multiple models at the same time. 


Intent profiles, higher speeds, and quality improvements come to AA 0.8 mm print cores


The AA 0.8 mm print profiles for UltiMaker PLA and Tough PLA have been optimized for both speed and print quality, as well as gaining access to recommended intent profiles. 





One of the easiest ways to print more parts in less time on an UltiMaker printer has always been to use a larger nozzle size. 0.4 mm nozzles have become somewhat of an industry standard and as a result, our 0.4 mm print cores have long been our most popular. However, we also offer 0.8 mm print cores, and for many users, these are often a better choice.


As mentioned, moving to a larger nozzle size means much faster print speeds, with the tradeoff that your parts will have more prominent layer lines and, therefore, may not look as nice. However, all the way back at the release of Cura 5.0, a new slicing engine was released that enabled variable line width. This resulted in improved print quality when printing thin walls and fine details. What many people may not have realized, is that it’s also now possible to print using a 0.8 mm print core while still getting great print quality. If you're looking for the absolute best print quality then a 0.4 mm print core is still your best choice but if speed is a priority then a 0.8 mm print core is the better tool.


Our new 0.8 mm print profiles will make this easier than ever, allowing you to select the profile that matches your requirements (Visual, Engineering, or Draft) and then print with the confidence that you are using reliable print profiles that have been professionally tuned for your needs. Better yet, with the combined effect of moving from a 0.4 mm to a 0.8 mm print core and the other speed improvements in this release, you will find that it’s possible to print huge parts in less than half the time!


Finally, we have also updated the Default intent profile to be called Balanced to better reflect that it is a middle point between the Visual, Engineering, and Draft profiles. 


Introducing Cura engine plugins


This release sees a huge new addition to Cura which will fuel improvements for years to come: engine plugins with powerful new capabilities! 


Since 2015, Cura has allowed members of the community to create plugins that add new functionality to Cura or augment existing functionality. Over the years, we improved our plugin system to make it easier to create and share plugins. Today you can find and download dozens of plugins through the UltiMaker Marketplace and many people have, with some of our most popular plugins being downloaded millions of times!


Examples of popular plugins include the Settings Guide plugin which adds additional context to the over 600 settings in Cura, and the OctoPrint Connection plugin which lets you use the popular OctoPrint web interface for remote printing and monitoring. 


Regular users will know that the functionality of plugins, up until now, has been limited to tweaking to UI and manipulating your parts before slicing. Everything that happens after you start slicing your part could not be modified. In other words, if Cura was a car, plugins would allow users to modify the paint scheme, change the rims on the tires, and maybe even swap out the seats for something more fancy. But everything under the hood was off-limits. You could make the car look better, even feel better, but it would still drive the same. 


With the new plugin capabilities in this release, that has all changed. It is now possible to fundamentally modify how Cura works by interfacing with the slicing engine at the heart of Cura. This allows plugins to add new settings, modify existing settings, and change how Cura behaves when slicing a model. The result is more powerful plugins with a much wider range of capabilities. Some examples of the kind of functionality that users could add with these new plugins include:


  • Paint on supports: By combining the new and existing plugin capabilities, it would be possible to create a plugin that allows you to tag areas as requiring supports manually.

  • Version number in print: It’s possible to create a plugin that modifies the skin area on layer 0 to have a version number or any other custom text that will appear on the bottom of the model when printed

  • Texture: You can use a plugin to give your model a custom texture embossed on the surface.


These are just some of the countless possibilities that are unlocked with engine plugins. As has always been the case, plugins still need to be approved before they are added to the Marketplace so it is unlikely that a plugin will be dangerous but it is important to be mindful that the expected behavior of Cura may change drastically when installing engine plugins.


Streamlined model duplication and arrangement




Two new improvements have been added that make it easier than ever to fill up your build plate with models and organize them effectively. 


The first is that you can now duplicate your models using the same copy-and-paste shortcuts you would when duplicating text. Just select the model you want to copy and press Ctrl+C, then Ctrl+V (Command+C and Command+V on Mac) as many times as you want to spawn additional copies of your model. Each additional instance of your model will be placed on your build plate as if it were a new model being loaded into Cura with the added benefit that any changes made to your original part, such as it being resized, will also be reflected in all duplicate models. Right-clicking your part will also bring up the copy/paste shortcuts in the context menu. 


The second change is that you can now organize multiple models on the build plate using a grid formation. When multiplying your part or when using the new copy/paste function, parts will now be placed in a grid pattern. There is also a new option in the context menu (or when pressing Ctrl+Shift+R) that will arrange all instances of your model into a grid pattern. 


These two features combined make it much easier to fill your build plate with prints and keep them organized when doing so!


Additional improvements


The following improvements have also been implemented in the Cura 5.5 stable release:

  • A donation button was added for users to help fund Cura’s open-source development 
  • A new Apple Mac build of Cura is now available for users with ARM processors
  • Numerous bug fixes


Give us your feedback


Download this latest release to start discovering new 3D printing possibilities right now. Comment below to give us your feedback!

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Posted · UltiMaker Cura 5.5 stable released

Bugs resolved since the Beta Release

  • Updated some settings for UltiMaker printers to prevent infill from being exposed, introduce a visual mode for PETG, and prevent stringing for PETG and ABS
  • Fixed the upgrade script for UltiMaker materials that would cause configuration errors (mentioned here on the community)
  • Updated the arrange algorithm to work better with larger models, solves #14112
  • Prevented future crashes caused by the new gradual flow plugin with some active printers, solves #16941
  • Fixed Linux Legacy crashes for open file dialog due to OS icon style, solves #16941
  • The Linux Appimage had an unnessecarily large file size, solves #16932
  • The top layers where not showing distinct inner and outer walls in the preview.
  • A printjob with a different raft extruder could cause a printjob to be considered too large to print
  • A project file with an intent would not be loaded correctly
  • Moved the position of the Target Machine name in the start gcode to predicted time and material use for some printers
  • Restored the ColorDialog to prevent an SDK break, solves #17002
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted · UltiMaker Cura 5.5 stable released

Thanks, awesome release!
I am on UMS5R1 with material station.


One caveat: Cura 5.5 keeps crashing when changing materials. After restarting Cura it usually works the second time. But it is still annoying. Cura 5.4 did not have that issue. Those are the last lines Cura 5.5 wrote into the log file:


2023-11-03 16:33:55,728 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [73]: Updating IntentSelectionModel.
2023-11-03 16:33:55,996 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Operations.OperationStack.push [72]: <UM.Operations.AddSceneNodeOperation.AddSceneNodeOperation object at 0x0000024F251AA200>, took 2ms
2023-11-03 16:33:55,998 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Operations.OperationStack.push [72]: GroupedOp.(#=0), took 0ms
2023-11-03 16:33:56,070 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [33]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2023-11-03 16:33:57,677 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [221]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 2.19s
2023-11-03 16:34:06,110 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [64]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles took 0.0396573543548584 seconds
2023-11-03 16:34:14,322 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onGetRemoteClustersFinished [169]: Synced cloud printers with account.
2023-11-03 16:34:43,163 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [73]: Updating IntentSelectionModel.
2023-11-03 16:34:43,164 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1276]: Updating quality/quality_changes due to material change
2023-11-03 16:34:43,165 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1281]: Current quality type = [not_supported]
2023-11-03 16:34:43,165 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1289]: No available quality types found, setting all qualities to empty (Not Supported).
2023-11-03 16:34:43,178 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateIntentWithQuality [1318]: Updating intent due to quality change
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    Posted · UltiMaker Cura 5.5 stable released

    Hey @flyinggorilla,


    That sounds annoying 😯 thanks for your report 👍

    Something seems off about your S5 configurations.


    What materials are you printing with? Any custom materials? 
    Are you having the same error if you add a new offline S5 printer and switch materials? 


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    Posted · UltiMaker Cura 5.5 stable released


    25 minutes ago, MariMakes said:

    Hey @flyinggorilla,


    That sounds annoying 😯 thanks for your report 👍

    Something seems off about your S5 configurations.


    What materials are you printing with? Any custom materials? 
    Are you having the same error if you add a new offline S5 printer and switch materials? 


    mostly marketplace materials like formfutura apollox, mitsubishi durabio as well as addigy 2045. 

    now cura crashed while adding an offline printer (Ultimaker S5). i was still in the printer management dialog, and clicked OK to add offline UMS5, then cura disappeared. here are the last log lines

    2023-11-03 17:41:42,925 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [444]: file:///C:/Program Files/UltiMaker Cura 5.5.0/share/cura/resources/qml/WelcomePages/AddLocalPrinterScrollView.qml:248:25: Unable to assign QString to QRegularExpression
    2023-11-03 17:41:58,529 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onGetRemoteClustersFinished [169]: Synced cloud printers with account.
    2023-11-03 17:42:08,633 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager.addMachine [426]: Trying to add a machine with the definition id [ultimaker_s5]
    2023-11-03 17:42:08,767 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [190]: Extruder[ultimaker_s5_extruder_left #4] added to [TestPrinter Ultimaker S5] at position [0]
    2023-11-03 17:42:08,855 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [190]: Extruder[ultimaker_s5_extruder_right #4] added to [TestPrinter Ultimaker S5] at position [1]
    2023-11-03 17:42:08,856 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.UI.MachineActionManager.addDefaultMachineActions [57]: Default machine actions have been added for machine definition [ultimaker_s5], do nothing.
    2023-11-03 17:42:08,864 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [185]: Extruder [ultimaker_s5_extruder_left #4] has already been added to this stack [TestPrinter Ultimaker S5]
    2023-11-03 17:42:08,865 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [185]: Extruder [ultimaker_s5_extruder_right #4] has already been added to this stack [TestPrinter Ultimaker S5]
    2023-11-03 17:42:08,872 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [73]: Updating IntentSelectionModel.
    2023-11-03 17:42:08,874 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication._setLoadingHint [845]: Initializing Active Machine...
    2023-11-03 17:42:08,878 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Settings.InstanceContainer.setProperty [398]: Tried to set value of the setting material_max_flowrate, but it has no SettingInstance in this InstanceContainer Fast or its SettingDefinition Ultimaker S5
    2023-11-03 17:42:08,937 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [73]: Updating IntentSelectionModel.
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    Posted · UltiMaker Cura 5.5 stable released
    8 hours ago, flyinggorilla said:

    now cura crashed while adding an offline printer (Ultimaker S5). i was still in the printer management dialog, and clicked OK to add offline UMS5, then cura disappeared

    Looking at the log, it seems like the Ultiimaker S5 definition file is invalid because it's missing a setting, which is weird because Ultimaker create their own printer profiles to add to Cura (other manufacturers rely on the community).


    @Dustin, any thoughts?

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    Posted · UltiMaker Cura 5.5 stable released

    Thanks for the feedback,

    8 hours ago, Slashee_the_Cow said:

    Looking at the log, it seems like the Ultiimaker S5 definition file is invalid because it's missing a setting, which is weird because Ultimaker create their own printer profiles to add to Cura (other manufacturers rely on the community).


    @Dustin, any thoughts?


    I do suspect that one of the plugins did cause it. The difference to my cura 5.4 installation was adding NameIt. However, based on the logs, i suspect more the incompatibility of the PrinterSettings plugin with 5.5. 

    I removed all plugins except the settings guide plug-in, and so far I dont see the crash anymore. will update here in case I do see the issue reappearing. 


    thanks all for your help.

    p.s. here is what i removed.

    2023-11-04 09:48:47,153 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PackageManager._purgePackage [597]: Removing 'C:\Users\u\AppData\Roaming\cura\5.5\plugins\MaterialSettingsPlugin' for package [MaterialSettingsPlugin]
    2023-11-04 09:48:47,153 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PackageManager._purgePackage [597]: Removing 'C:\Users\u\AppData\Roaming\cura\5.5\plugins\MeasureTool' for package [MeasureTool]
    2023-11-04 09:48:47,154 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PackageManager._purgePackage [597]: Removing 'C:\Users\u\AppData\Roaming\cura\5.5\plugins\PrinterSettingsPlugin' for package [PrinterSettingsPlugin]
    2023-11-04 09:48:47,154 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PackageManager._purgePackage [597]: Removing 'C:\Users\u\AppData\Roaming\cura\5.5\plugins\SpoonAntiWarping' for package [SpoonAntiWarping]
    2023-11-04 09:48:47,154 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PackageManager._purgePackage [597]: Removing 'C:\Users\u\AppData\Roaming\cura\5.5\plugins\NameIt' for package [NameIt]
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    Posted · UltiMaker Cura 5.5 stable released

    I am glad to see that Cura 5.5.0 includes a profile for the Creality Ender 5-S1.... However, the dimensions of the build volume do not match what Creality say in their advertising, or the profile they provide in their Slicer.... Creality say the build volume is 220 x 220 x 280mm, but the new Cura profile gives X = 225, Y = 225, and Z = 305mm.... The older Ender 5 was 220 x 220 x 300.... Is there a mistake in the new Profile for the Ender 5-S1 in Cura?.... I wouldn't want it to crash my printer!....



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    Posted · UltiMaker Cura 5.5 stable released

    Currently I am on Cura 5.3.1.

    I use a few saved personal profile and a few plug-in I installed (amongst others Printjob Naming, etc..).


    Will this configuration remain saved with an install of 5.5.0?

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    Posted · UltiMaker Cura 5.5 stable released
    7 minutes ago, Erik84750 said:

    Will this configuration remain saved with an install of 5.5.0?

    Yes. Newer versions of Cura will make a copy of the latest Cura configuration they find (on first run after installation), and work with that copy. The original configuration is left untouched, and the original version of Cura will continue to use that.


    Before Cura 5, the installer for Cura versions would first offer to uninstall the previous version(s) you had installed. The uninstaller would ask you if you wanted to remove all data. If you answered "yes", that would remove all your configuration files for that version. Unfortunately many people did not read the dialogs provided by the installer and lost their configurations. Recent installers have not offered to uninstall older versions, leaving that up to the user when they are comfortable with the new version.

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    Posted · UltiMaker Cura 5.5 stable released

    Hi there. Have problems when arranging model with support blocker. For example, I place model, rotate it, then check support blocker and place it on model. Then I select both model and support and right click multiply selected for example 3. The models are created but support blockers are not. Also models are placed randomly on plate.

    On 5.4 support blockers were multiplied with models and it was placed near model from which I was multiplied. 


    One more problem, when I try merge model with support blocker it resets model rotation. 

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    Posted (edited) · UltiMaker Cura 5.5 stable released

    I don't see much feedback, I see that as a good thing because it seems like there is not a lof ot bugs. Previous 5.X version were quite not ready for updates.


    Can I update without worrying on this one ? I can't multiply the update because of IT policy in a sensible company, so I update only once / 6 months globally, I'd rather avoid a bad version.


    Edit : nevermind, just like the previous 5.X version, this one seems to be crippled with slicing bugs, that will take forever to achieve, or won't achieve with an obscure error, or will just stall per astra ad espera...


    Please, pretty please, provide a 5.X Pro-Compliant version that you'll ensure it will work 95% of the time. I'm struggling with 80% of my slicing, from 5.1 to 5.3...

    Edited by Dadkitess
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