Edited by MrDadZeeQuoteI am not autorized to "share" this 3mf file so please just use it for the diagnostic purpose. Ty !
Edited by MrDadZeeQuoteI am not autorized to "share" this 3mf file so please just use it for the diagnostic purpose. Ty !
Go ahead and take it down. You can work through email directly with the Cura team rather than posting proprietary models here on the forum. Maybe @Dustin or @gr5 can advise on that.
BTW Cura crashed when I tried to open that project file. I didn't have any trouble with the one on Github.
I was able to slice the Github project but I had to make a couple setting changes. Re-selecting the "Fast" profile and resetting everything back to it's defaults allowed it to slice as well. There might be a conflict within the changes you made to the profile.
Alright, different model. I hate senior moments.
Edited by GregValiant36 minutes ago, GregValiant said:Go ahead and take it down. You can work through email directly with the Cura team rather than posting proprietary models here on the forum. Maybe @Dustin or @gr5 can advise on that.
BTW Cura crashed when I tried to open that project file. I didn't have any trouble with the one on Github.
I was able to slice the Github project but I had to make a couple setting changes. Re-selecting the "Fast" profile and resetting everything back to it's defaults allowed it to slice as well. There might be a conflict within the changes you made to the profile.
I did not change any settings in the program, its been installed as it is, only thing i changed are:
Scaling to 104.9%
Skirt to Raft
Zigzag to Gyroids.
For the "'profile" part, this is the options i have:
Your project is a big model and takes up a lot of the build plate. You need to make sure that your "Bed Adhesion" fits along with the model. The raft fits when the Raft Extra Margin is 3.0mm. It was OK with a skirt because Cura can (now) plan to have the skirt end at the edge of the build plate but the entire raft must fit.
It looks like that was the problem as it did slice once there was room for everything.
Edited by GregValiant
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Slashee_the_Cow 541
If you could upload these it'd really help with the diagnostics:
1) The .3mf file for your print (just go to File > Save Project in Cura)
2) The cura.log file in your Cura configuration folder (go to Help > Show Configuration Folder in Cura)
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