GregValiant 1,357
Take the build surface off. Clean it well with dish detergent, put it back in place and wipe it down with 90% isopropyl alcohol.
"Bed Leveling" (which should be called "Setting the Initial Z gap") is a big part of getting the first layer to stick. Unlike other layers that go down an exact distance above a previous layer, the thickness of the Initial Layer is totally dependent on the initial Z gap. If it is too tall it creates under-extrusion and consequently, sticking problems.
I don't know where you are adjusting the percentage. There really isn't any reason to do that. In the "Speed" section is "Number of Slower Layers". Set that to 1 or 2 and the "Initial Layer Print Speed" setting will be available. The units are mm/sec. Try at 25 with a clean build surface.
When I'm printing something with lettering on the build plate (or anything in PETG) I use AquaNet Super Hold hairspray as an adhesion promoter. There are specialty items just for that (Magi-goo comes to mind).
@gr5 has a video he might share. I call it "Everything you ever wanted to know about bed adhesion". It is pretty all-inclusive.
FYI - I print PLA in the range of 200 (white) to 215 (silky) with the bed at 50. If the bed is too hot (close to or above the "glass temperature" of the material) the first few layers will be deformed and elephant foot is a problem. 60 is the normal build plate temperature for PLA.
I've printed these carburetor covers a few times. Two "Pause at Height's" allow me to change filament for a couple of layers and the lettering appears a different color.
Edited by GregValiant
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GregValiant 1,357
I'd print it with "Ryobi" down. The designer was nice enough to provide chamfers of 45° on those screw ears. That was done so they wouldn't need support.
When letters are on the build plate like that they need good bed adhesion and good flow or they can look sloppy because they are on the first layer. You should print the "Initial Layer" slower as well. Consider that the 90° grinder is going to hang in front of the word anyway. You won't notice.
This is with supports disabled. All the pieces are designed so they don't need supports.
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Dreddpool82 0
Well my most recent try just failed, it keeps unsticking from the bed, I have the bed temp at 65 and the extruder at 200 which is the default, i also slowed it down to 80%.
should i slow it down to 70% or 60%?
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