Good to see those great printing results. As mentioned I would also start with lowering the bed temp - 60-65 degrees should be sufficient
Thank you all for your warm welcome words, and helpful tips.
Atm my aim is to experiment with some new kind of turbine, and i will definetely opensource it, once i am successfully building it.
Yesterday i did some adjustments to my models, one of which is a mounting-frame for a motor i salvaged from an electric screwdriver. It was fun to adjust the model, until it finally fitted the motor.
And the other part is a gear shaped hole inside a cylinder, which i need, because my motor has a small gear permanently atached to its axis. I will post some images later, when the last object comes out of my printer :-)
Anyways 3d printing is lots of fun!
The "warping" issue on the build plate is still not solved, it also shows up in my models, which also have basically a cylindrical shape, although i lowered the temp. of the buildplate stepwise to 55°C. Maybe i will recallibrate the buildplate and put it a minimal bit farer away from the nozzle, as it appears to me as if the filament is squished a bit on the first few layers, and maybe it is because of this.
happy printing,
Are you using glue stick with your PLA too? If not, try a bit, it may help with the warping.
Yeah will try that, thanx Skint.
As promised now some photos of what i was building lately:
This is my motor with the final parts that actually fit just fine.
And this is the motor with the final parts mounted / attached to it, and some of the parts i printed, that did not fit.
By the way have i mentioned that i already love 3d printing ?
happy printing to you all!
Prints look great What`s the motor for?
What software do you use? The smaller cylinder with the gear teeth inside looks a little low poly ( square sided instead of fully round ).
Isn't it just awesome that you can print anything and everything whenever you want! You will find yourself walking around the house and suddenly thinking and pointing " Oh, I can fix that by 3D printing ". Soon your wife / gf will predict what you are going to say haha
Those are great looking gear prints, what CAD did you use to design them?
Hi, thank you for the likes !
@Skint, good beholder, the polygon for the "Gear-Cylinder" is just with about 20 Edges. I could of course change that, but have no reason for doing so atm.
The motor is for turning a special rotor for my experimental turbine design.
The "Gear-Cylinder is part of the rotor-design.
The mount is part of the turbine housing.
and yes 3d printing is absolutely awesome. Today i have started a 22 hour print, and then i was with a friend, helping him to paint some furniture, and my wife was updating me with photos of the print. And i think its a wife / gf friendly hobby, because you have lots of time you are waiting to pass when it is printing. :mrgreen:
@Woofy, i use openscad. Sometimes i am a hobby programmer, so its absolutely my CAD. The particular gear btw is not by me, it is a parametric open-scad design from thingiverse. © 2010 by GregFrost
I just tried the gear design, because it looked quite similar to my specific gear on the motor. Just according to by-eye-measurement. I was suprised that it fitted so nicely after the 3rd attempt to come out with the right size. :-P
thats all from my side for now, thanks for the interest.
keep on happy printin' :cool:
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illuminarti 18
The warping is quite possibly caused by both things you mention. Start by reducing the bed temp to 60º, and see if that helps.
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