you don't need to wait for the spool holder, just put the spool on the floor behind the printer and let out a few coils. When you turn it back on choose Material > Change. It will heat up and then you will hear the printer run through the process of reversing out the filament it thinks is in there. When the sound stops press continue and then load the filament.
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IRobertI 521
Go through all the steps again. It doesn't take long and getting the bed perfectly level is a very good thing. And going through the process of leveling the print bed is something that you will likely have to do once or twice in the future as well. After you've done it a couple of times you'll complete the process in less than a minute. It's like tuning an instrument or re-tightening screws on a tool, it's just part of the deal.
But I wouldn't be able to wait for the holder personally so I would bodge something together to hold the spool in the mean time. A broom handle over a couple of boxes for example
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