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Posted · Loose filament holder with limited space


I have a small space problem here where my UM2 is placed and I can't find a good loose filament holder. Maybe you have some ideas / hints.

My Ultimaker happy place lookes like this (yes, it is the guest toilet - turned printing cave). But it is quite useful with an exhaust air, non flamable surroundings and completely enclosed and hence quiet.

UM2 space 1

UM2 space 2

UM2 space 3

UM2 space 4

So here are my constrains:

  • Can not place stuff on the floor behind the printer.
  • Can not / don't want to drill holes in the wall.
  • The big ass plastic box (filament storage) needs to stay there.
  • Can barely reach behind the printer (happyness ensues when the extruder is jammed...).
  • Changing filament on a spool (although using Robert's cool holder) still sucks because... you guessed it.

So I am looking for a nice loose filament holder that could be placed somewhere around there. Also thought about hanging something from the ceiling but I'd like to avoid it if possible.

I tried to mount this holder mashup on the side of the UM2, but it didn't work.

spool holder


For one, the holder is weak and broke down with a 100m Faberdashery coil. And second the filament still touched the edge of the UM2. In order to avoid the second I printed this - will still need to try it out because I think it will be handy anyway:

If you have and ideas or hints, I would be most grateful.




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    Posted · Loose filament holder with limited space

    What about https://www.youmagine.com/designs/spool-holder-for-loose-filament? I use it for Diamond Age rolls right now...

    There is also a https://www.youmagine.com/designs/loose-filament-holder-v3; this one fits onto the original UM2 spike but might need an additional spacer in order not to collide with the sleeve along the bowden tube.


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    Posted · Loose filament holder with limited space

    I saw someone with http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:399284 where the filament was never moved and just used from where it was stored.

    Now I don't know how feasible this is in your case, but what about getting a rod through all the filaments in your box and somehow (without compromising humidity I presume) guiding it from in the box to your UM2?


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    Posted · Loose filament holder with limited space

    Thanks, I thought about Woofy's spool holder but to be honest, it is too big and bulky. Also changing filament (which I do often) does not seem to be quick.

    Martin's spool holder might be a solution. I need to measure the clearance behind my UM2 and see if using a spacer will collide with the plastic box.


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    Posted · Loose filament holder with limited space

    You must be the man who spends the most time in his toilet ^^

    I didn't want to drill holes in my wall neither so i just fixed roberts spool holder (with a slight hack) to a wooden plank that is held against the wall by the desk where my printer is.

    I think it's better to have the spool holder at the back of the printer or where ever your feeder is. Maybe take a look at UltiArjan idea where the feeder is moved?


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    Posted · Loose filament holder with limited space

    Hehe, not really. Now I start the print and go. And when I have finally resolved my problems with wifi on the raspberry pi, I'd be able to OctoPrint directly from the comfort of my desk :)

    Good idea about the wooden plank. I think I could fit one behind the big plastic box (which would also hold it in place. Would you/did you like to share your modifications?

    The UltiArjan hack looks... interesting. I mean, even if it is the toilet, a bit of style must be preserved :) (No offense Arajan but your changes look scary).


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    Posted · Loose filament holder with limited space

    I didn't share the modifications i did but i can send it to you if you want (it's nothing really fancy just a cube with 4 holes to put screws and one hole to put the M6 Nut to screw the spoolholder in).

    I also printed woofy's spoolholder for faberdashery filament and changed the center to be able to put it on robert's spoolholder.


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    Posted · Loose filament holder with limited space


    maybe have a look here, I did not published it jet (see also page 34) but maybe you could use my "compact" version of the well known low friction spool holder.


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    Posted · Loose filament holder with limited space

    Cool, thanks. The unreleased adapter looks useful. This way I could access the feeder from the side of the printer.


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    Posted · Loose filament holder with limited space

    @Didier: I'd be glad for both mofidifications. Thx.


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    Posted · Loose filament holder with limited space

    I will upload both files to youmagine ;)

    I've been thinking yesterday for your setup.

    Would it be possible to put the UM2 higher leaving some space underneath it? You could place de filament holder under it and have a straight entry of the filament in the feeder.

    Here are some pics of what i did FYI:

    20140728 175302

    20140728 175328

    20140728 175338


    The little filament guide is the one i had designed for laying under the um2 i don't know if it's usefull (i should probably do something else).


    Anyway since then my cylinder test goes from 7mm3/s to 11mm3/s


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    Posted · Loose filament holder with limited space

    I was wondering: Are you guys planning to do meetings or so? Because I'm really interested in a better way to hold the filament and so on, but I don't want to modify the printer beyond the point that I can just pick it up and take it with me.


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    Posted · Loose filament holder with limited space

    What's good with my solution (not the only one) is that you can unscrew the filament holder and put it back on the printer in less than 1 minute :) (if you don't loose the original part).

    When you move the feeder it's harder to do indeed.

    @nicolux: i uploaded the two parts in youmagine.

    The wall mount is far from perfect but it does the job for me :)


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    Posted · Loose filament holder with limited space


    Hey thank you for the pics and your modifications. Yes, placing the UM2 higher would allow for space under it. But I don't remember a good solution to put the spool/loose filament onto something. I have a lasy susan here but have had a few failed prints when I could use it.

    I have a question about the wooden plank though. Do you move the whole thing around when you switch from spool holder to loose filament? Because on your pic (on YouMagine) with the loose spool holder, the plank is left of the UM2, while on the pic with the filament roll/spool, it is on the right side.

    Regarding a better guide - if you think about printing this one:


    ... don't bother with the 693 ball bearing. I tried it and the bearing is useless. The whole thing turns by itself with the ball bearing standing still... What's cool though - the guide is adjustable and might fit in many orientations.

    And those 693 ball bearings are tiny! So cute :)

    @Blizz: I didn't move my UM2 around until now (but good idea, showing off is nice from time to time), but I'd like to be able to take it with me. In a few weeks I'll meet with two other guys from the german subforum to build a 3DR Delta printer and I am thinking about taking the UM2 with me.


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    Posted · Loose filament holder with limited space

    Seems like a good thing to print indeed :) i already favored this one ^^

    I think i will print it to see if it helps :)

    So the wooden plank is movable yes mainly because i'm too lazy to fix it :) it was on the left but this weekend i took my UM2 for a ride and i arranged it differently. I think it's better that way because the filament doesn't take a turn.


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    Posted · Loose filament holder with limited space

    I've been thinking of similar space saving ideas and improved feeding of my printer following some recent woes with printing ninjaflex. The easy solution would be to put stuff on the floor however with a 6yr old son and 3 mental dogs I dare not put filament anywhere near poking/chewing height ..... so I sat down and over a couple of evenings knocked this simple design up keeping in tune with the UM2 styling.


    It might work with loose filament if you made a simple turntable in the middle, not sure if it would twist the filament thought.

    Ideally Id like to build more of an enclosure for the printer as Id like to do some ABS prints but I'm worried about the toxic fumes unfortunately I don't have a spare room with a window i can sit it in. I'm thinking using 30mm T-Slot might be a solution for an enclosure i suppose i will fiddle with cad a bit more and see what the brain matter can come up with :)


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    Posted · Loose filament holder with limited space

    Very cool. Wonder if the vibrations during prints wont be strengthened like this. Seem to recall a topic here in the forum from someone who's UM2 "walked" of the table during prints several times without something under it :/

    (Luckily mine doesn't move.)


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    Posted · Loose filament holder with limited space

    Not sure about vibrations as mine has never vibrated or moved so you are not alone there ;)

    But if vibration was an issue some strips of sorbothane should be enough to dampen out any movement. I feel bad for the guy .... I would be gutted if my printer committed suicide off the counter top.


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    Posted · Loose filament holder with limited space

    Yeah indeed. Poor bloke. It http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/6477-machine-walked-off-edge-of-table/, luckily.

    I really like your solution, practical, pretty. If I was handier I would probably manufacture a cabinet that could hold all my spools. I wouldn't have enough with the one rail.


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    Posted · Loose filament holder with limited space

    I suppose the good thing with the above design is its modular so you could stack up a couple, but then my concern would be the stability of the printer.

    I do have another design for an enclosure which would allow multiple rails for storage and should be able to be put together with hand tools. Once I have bashed the design out I will put up a thread in this section :)

    Like everything its never simple, but in all fairness I do enjoy the challenge so I can't complain.


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