It is a beta, we need people who know what they are doing to use it and giving us useful notifications of errors.But its probably more stable than any previous verisions of Marlin.
PID controls the temperature accurately (if good PID values are set, that might vary from machine to machine), I achieved +-0.2° with personaly tuned values while in print. Currently, you probably have +-7° variations with sprinter. With the 5D, usually you get 15° less than the set temperature.
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somerwil 0
Hi Bernhard,
Sounds like some good work is done! Thanks for all the effort you guys put into improving the firmware.
Is this firmware for experimental use only or do you recommend it to anyone with an Ultimaker?
I read some things about PID, what's that setting used for?
Sorry for being a n00b :oops:
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