Don't worry, you're more likely to damage the stepper drivers instead of the motors themselfs.
If you want a simple temperature check, put a PLA print on top of the extruder motor. If it doesn't get soft, then you don't have a problem. (One of my extruder motors is always on for some reason, and gets really hot, but it still doesn't make PLA stick to it)
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IRobertI 521
How hot is hot? Have you measured it at all? Steppers do tend to run quite hot but usually it's not something you need to worry about. Just pulling a number out of my @$$ from what I've read in the past I wouldn't worry unless it starts going above say 60-70C. Even at around 45C it will start to get uncomfortable to touch but it will not be dangerous to the motor. If you're still worried you could try lowering the drive current. You'll know you've lowered the current too much when it starts skipping steps.
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