It's the perfect product for the average joe that wants a machine to work almost 100% of the time without tweaking and such. They have 24/7 tech support, which is insane.
It's the perfect product for the average joe that wants a machine to work almost 100% of the time without tweaking and such. They have 24/7 tech support, which is insane.
Well, the printer is about a year behind the times, supports only PLA with a smallish build volume and low temperatures, and isn't actually available yet from any of the stated resellers, unless a search for "dremel 3d" misses it somehow. Oh yeah, and the "5-star" "reviews" do not actually exist.
Pure pre-release hype at this point, and for a behind-the-times product at that.
Perfect? Lots of luck with that when you're talking with their call center in India about using any other brand of PLA, or find that 230C maximum doesn't work...
again a printer with the fillament inside the housing ... this thing must have been designed by the marketing department :???:
Dremel joins the 3D printing business with a rebranded Flashforge Dreamer 3D
dremel will either be totally put off with their first experiences with this printer... OR.. will learn a lot fast and come back with something better soon... hopefully the second of course...
Ian :-)
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ian 32
i like the idea and makes complete sense... even if its not the best printer it shows Dremel is moving with the times....
nice link !
thank you.
Ian :-)
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