Hi I had the same problem, and the same result ...blue screen and no usb connection...
Hi I had the same problem, and the same result ...blue screen and no usb connection...
Same problem here after upgrading to the wrong firmware (Original Plus) :(
And did anyone solve this problem?
Yesterday I was still happily printing with my new heated bed and today she died? I will not believe that...
exactly same as you arlee.
I have try put firmware with Arduino IDE, cura...timeout each time...
Do you found a solution ?
Not solved yet.
This is the response (in Dutch) I had from Marrit from UM:
(See my response underneath...)
Hallo Stephan,
Mijn collega Zenalda heeft me gevraagd om je verder te helpen.
Vervelend om te horen dat het niet meer lukt om de firmware te updaten. Ik weet niet of dit te maken heeft met de heated bed upgrade, misschien is het gewoon toevallig dat het sinds dat moment niet meer werkt.
Het feit dat de firmware niet meer kan worden geüpdatet kan te maken hebben met de computer, Arduino of het groene moederbord. Als eerste zou ik aanraden het even via een andere computer te proberen; dat is namelijk het makkelijkste om te testen en dan weten we ook zeker of het daar wel of niet mee te maken heeft. Een andere USB poort kan soms ook helpen.
Mocht dit niet uitmaken, dan betekent het dat de Arduino of het moederbord de problemen veroorzaakt. Door deze onafhankelijk van elkaar te testen kunnen we erachter komen welke van de 2 het is. Het beste kun je dan de Arduino losmaken van het moederbord (deze kun je er voorzichtig af trekken) en vervolgens sluit je de Arduino via de USB kabel los aan op de computer. Lukt het nu om de firmware te updaten? Als dit niet werkt, betekent het dat de Arduino zelf kapot is en in het andere geval heeft het te maken met het moederbord.
Zou je hier eens naar kunnen kijken?
Alvast bedankt en ik hoor het graag van je.
Kind regards / Met vriendelijke groet,
Marrit Hoffmans
Hallo Marrit,
Als eerste wil ik even kwijt dat ik zonder problemen heb geprint met m'n nieuwe heated bed upgrade kit. Pas toen Cura zei dat er een nieuwere versie was, welke ik heb geïnstalleerd en me daarna vroeg om de marlin firmware te updaten koos ik voor UM Original+ (+ in mijn gedachten voor +upgrades) toen pas ging het mis.
-Via een andere computer updaten is niet gelukt.
-Heated Bed upgrade kit ontkoppelt en updaten zonder, lukt niet.
-UM controller ontkoppelt en updaten zonder lukt ook niet.
-Na lang zoeken weet ik nu wat een Arduino is. Deze voorzichtig van het moederbord getrokken en los met een usb kabel aan m'n computer gehangen (zonder voeding) maar bij het updaten zegt cura nog steeds "failed to write firmware, TIMEOUT".
Hoe nu verder?
met vriendelijke groet,
For people that don't read Dutch,
-Updating with other computer doesn't work.
-Disconnecting Heated Bed upgrade kit and updating without, doesn't work.
-Disconnecting UM controller and updating, no luck.
-Disconnecting Arduino from motherboard and hooking it up to computer via USB cable (without power supply) and trying to update firmware through Cura... Cura says: "failed to write firmware, TIMEOUT".
So, Not solved jet!
Anybody with a smart idea?
Maybe this thread may be of help? Specifically try manually setting the machine settings under the machine/machine settings/communication settings tab in Cura.
Thanks ChrisR,
I have a Ultimaker original not a UM2. I it smart to try anyway?
And the thread is long, which part should I try?
thanks again
Thanks ChrisR,
I have a Ultimaker original not a UM2. I it smart to try anyway?
And the thread is long, which part should I try?
thanks again
Try setting the communications manually in Cura. Their default is set to AUTO which always seems to cause problems when you try to update the firmware.
The settings are in the machine/machine settings/communication settings/ tab in Cura
Hopefully that will work for you :-)
Thanks ChrisR,
That's a lot of settings but tried all of them without any luck...
Thanks anyway...
Something els I could try? Anyone?
Did you try this? ...
"you will need to flash through the Arduino IDE. If you have to fall back to the Arduino IDE, follow this information:
to build the basic firmware. NOTE however you don't need to rebuild the firmware for the bed so stop before that point. Once you reinstall the Arduino in the printer and the basic firmware is running, you should be able to use Cura to flash the correct firmware noted above.
Good luck."
Thanks Anon4321,
This morning I didn't know what a Arduino was ( just to clarify my level of understanding ).
I disconnected the Arduino from the motherboard, hooked it up via USB cable to my laptop and tried to install firmware on it through Cura. (No luck with this)
Is this what you mean with: "you will need to flash through the Arduino IDE."?
If not, could you be more specific and tell me exactly witch part of that long thread I need to try.
Thanks again...
Here the same problem as Stepan, Today I tried to flash the Arduino (Mega 2560) through Arduino ID, as anon wrote:
Let's make sure you have the right source. Download this zip file:
and extract the Marlin-Marlin_v1 directory from it.
Make sure you have the latest version of the Arduino IDE (I have 1.0.5 and I think 1.0.6 is out, either will work).
Get it from here if needed: http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
Start the Arduino IDE and go to the file menu and click open. Find where you extracted the Marlin-Marlin_v1 directory above and go into the Marlin directory. In the Marlin directory, select Marlin.pde This will open a new window for the pde. You can close the original window (not sure why it does that).
Go to the Tools menu, select Board and choose the "Arduino Mega 2560 or Mega ADK" item.
On the same Tools menu, go to Serial Port and select the serial to which your printer is connected.
Now go to the Sketch menu and click Verify / Compile. You should get a message like:
Binary sketch size: 109,480 bytes (of a 258,048 byte maximum)
Now go to the File menu and choose Upload. It will recompile again and flash the firmware to the printer.
Now reinstall the Arduino into the printer and make sure it is working.
but stil the same results: "time out"
So, I think the Arduino 2560 is not working anymore.
I also made the wrong decision to choose for Ultimaker Original+ instead of Ultimaker Original with a heat bed after installing the kit. :(
I hope the solution is near because I use this machine during a presentation for a lot of people, next week. with or without that heatbed.
Thanks ChrisR,
That's a lot of settings but tried all of them without any luck...
Thanks anyway...
Something els I could try? Anyone?
"On the same Tools menu, go to Serial Port and select the serial to which your printer is connected."
On my MacBook Pro, using a USB cable, witch serial would that be?
From - http://arduino.cc/en/guide/macOSX:
Select the serial device of the Arduino board from the Tools > Serial Port menu. On the Mac, this should be something with /dev/tty.usbmodem (for the Uno or Mega 2560) or /dev/tty.usbserial (for older boards) in it.
Arlee, were you able to flash via the Arduino IDE but still not be able to connect via Cura?
I was not able to flash the Arduino Mega 2560 with Arduino IDE
My serial for the Imac was: /dev/tty.usbmodemfd141
Also tried with Windows 8.1 on com 4
Stephan, here is the way to find out what serial you need for the Arduino IDE:
You can find your Arduino via Terminal with
ls /dev/tty.*
then you can read that serial port using the screen command, like this
screen /dev/tty.[yourSerialPortName] [yourBaudRate]
for example:
screen /dev/tty.usbserial-A6004byf 9600
It's very usual for a firmware flash to leave the Arduino completely unusable.
Two things to try:
- Press and release the reset button while the timeout messages are being displayed in the IDE.
- use a serial terminal program to connect to the Arduino trying these baud rates 57600, 115200 and 250000 again pressing and releasing the RESET. (8 data/one stop, no parity).
Also, make sure the connection to the Arduino is as direct as possible, no hubs etc....
Just for your own information, they way the Arduino works is when the IDE wants to reflash the firmware, the programmer pulls DTR low. This causes the Arduino to reset. Upon reset, the Arduino runs it bootloader that briefly listens for commands to upload the firmware. If, in that brief time, the bootloader doesn't see commands to update the firmware, it jumps to the application part of the firmware.
The bootloader code is protected to prevent it from being overwritten and "bricking" the Arduino. It can be updated by your need to do special things to do so. The short of it is that a normal firmware update doesn't usually kill the Arduino even if the application code locks up due to a bad condition (like Marlin will do if a bad TEMP is detected).
When the Arduino is in the printer, something interferes with the reset sequence. Additionally, Cura seems to use a different timing for updating the printer. I never figured out either.
Anyway, you really should be able to reflash with the IDE unless you electrically "smoked" the Arduino through a bad connection.
Any lights blinking on the Arduino? Anything showing through a serial terminal?
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anon4321 16
In my experience, you will need to remove the Arduino from the printer. Then try flashing through Cura. If that doesn't work, you will need to flash through the Arduino IDE. If you have to fall back to the Arduino IDE, follow this information:
to build the basic firmware. NOTE however you don't need to rebuild the firmware for the bed so stop before that point. Once you reinstall the Arduino in the printer and the basic firmware is running, you should be able to use Cura to flash the correct firmware noted above.
Good luck.
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