Dim3nsioneer 558
The pauseatz plugin uses the 'M0' command. Which seems to be implemented https://github.com/Printrbot/Marlin/blob/printrbot-prod/Marlin/Marlin_main.cpp#L1596 as well.
The pauseatz plugin uses the 'M0' command. Which seems to be implemented https://github.com/Printrbot/Marlin/blob/printrbot-prod/Marlin/Marlin_main.cpp#L1596 as well.
The pause plugin currently doesn't work correctly with USB style printing. Sorry.
(This is due to the fact that pause in USB printing bugs out)
The pause plugin currently doesn't work correctly with USB style printing. Sorry.
(This is due to the fact that pause in USB printing bugs out)
Ahhh. I notice there are quite a few plugins which do a similar job.. Are there any others which would work?
They (other cura plugins) probably all use the M0 command.
I think your question is more a printrbot question - see if there is another command (e.g. M1 which I think is also pause) that would work better for the printrbot. Does the printrbot have any kind of control panel? I think repetier might be able to *not* send the M0 and instead stop sending commands and you can tell repetier to continue sending gcodes. Cura I don't think knows how to do that.
They (other cura plugins) probably all use the M0 command.
I think your question is more a printrbot question - see if there is another command (e.g. M1 which I think is also pause) that would work better for the printrbot. Does the printrbot have any kind of control panel? I think repetier might be able to *not* send the M0 and instead stop sending commands and you can tell repetier to continue sending gcodes. Cura I don't think knows how to do that.
I have found a solution.. Whilst the M0 or M1 commands cause the Printrbot to pause.. There is no way to resume.
So I am using CURA to slice and I have modified the "Pause At Z" plugin to use the "@pause" command, rather than M0.. And am saving the output.
Then I am using Repetier to load and print the GCODE file..
Repetier prints this and at the "@pause" point it give a nice big pop-up offering you the ability to 'resume'. But it seems that Repetier also does this on the fly.. So you can hit Pause at any point.. Move the head/bed.. Change Filament and resume.
I am really happy with the results.. But it would still be nice to have the functionality built into CURA.
Apparantly M226 is the Printrbot command to pause.. But I guess the software would have to understand this and give the option to "resume" after.
But if I just have to live with a CURA/Repetier hybrid for multi-colour prints, I can't really complain.
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DidierKlein 729
I'm not sure it works on others printers that don't have to pause option on their control panel (does the printrbot have this?)
On the UM2 if i remember well resuming the print was done by just clicking the button but i only used it once or twice quite some time ago...
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